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  1. robfet

    Reset DVR admin password

    That will reset all DVR settings? or just the administrator password?
  2. robfet

    Camera Issues

    No. this for see if its the input of the DVR? If this correct, I switch with other input and its the same problem. Also, I use a surge protection on the camera but it the same results. I guess I'm going to cable back again!! any more ideas?
  3. robfet

    Camera Issues

    Hi there, Im not an expert at CCVT but in my job im the responsible for any problem with the CCVT. So, I have a camera that is not working good. For while the camera looks great, good image, but after a while the image turns to black and kind of blur. I changed the BNC connector at both sides but its making that problem too. I change the camera for anohter at that spot but its the same, so I thought It could be the light contact so I checked the voltage and is at 122V, it doesnt have earth the contact, could this be a problem? or should I cable back?