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Everything posted by ssnapier

  1. Amen to that... I can feel that pain 10000%
  2. ssnapier

    RS-485 star/hub repeaters

    This is another one we use a ton of: http://www.rcstechnology.com/oldsite/docs/accessories/rs485hub/8AH485D%20WD%20148-00635-01.pdf
  3. That camera offers in IP66 option, you have to specify when ordering.
  4. ssnapier

    RS-485 star/hub repeaters

    That is what we use as well, and I agree they are rock solid.
  5. ssnapier

    GV-800 with ip cameras ?

    That sounds right but it has been quite a while since I had a reason to go down that road.
  6. ssnapier

    RS-485 star/hub repeaters

    I will have to look when I get back to work tomorrow, I forget the brand we use.
  7. For longer runs that could be problematic, the stranded cable will create a larger magnetic field, which will cause the signal to degrade just at tiny bit faster.
  8. Yeah we generally put a switch on each floor and then a single run between each floor's switch and the "big" switch that is located with the recorder. If you have long hallways or complicated runs, there is nothing stopping you from having 2 or 3 switches per floor. If the longest run is too long, you have two choices. You can just take it to the nearest switch and then back out and keep on truckin' or you can get switches that accept SFP's and run fiber to the big switch. Of course if you run fiber, you will need enough SFP slots at the big switch to accept everything coming to it. Just an FYI... if anyone tries to charge you more than $175 for an SFP punch them in the face and then come back here for a better source. Obviously this takes a bit of planning to make sure your switches are sized properly. Also, please for the love of everything holy... PLEASE use good quality uninterruptable power supplies at every single switch throughout this installation. Power outages are prime time for morons to do stupid crap and you want video of that. They also provide a bit of line conditioning to make sure the cameras are getting good clean power. Where are you located?
  9. 15 meters (49 feet) is a pretty long way off for a fisheye lens. I generally don't count any having anything useful beyond about 9 meters (30 feet). The Mobotix Q24 is my frame of reference here and it is a 3MP camera that I have been using for years.
  10. ssnapier

    GV-800 with ip cameras ?

    Yes I have done exactly that, in fact I had 4 analogs and added 5th camera that was the Geovision fisheye camera, and it worked like a champ.
  11. I had a similar experience with a HUGE distributor. We bought some LMR-600 and connectors to install part of a wireless system on a water tower. Since these connectors would be in some rough conditions we bought the solder type connectors to ensure good contact. The center pins themselves were decent enough, but the rest of the connector was complete garbage. The slightest twist or tug on the connector after assembly caused the braid to be ripped to shreds or just cut so that I lost my shielding. I called the distributor and told them about the issues. They were very apologetic and offered to send my factory assembled cables at no charge, so I calmed down and waited on the cables to arrive. When we get them I gave them a few torture tests to make sure these were not junk, and one connector was a bit loose so I disassembled it to see what was wrong and I noticed that these were crimp style connectors instead of solder like I specifically demanded. That was the last straw... I sent the entire lot back, paid their BS restocking fees and never bought another thing from them.
  12. For pure aesthetics you could insist on wiremold instead of conduit, but the cost goes up slightly. I think if the conduit were painted it would not really be that much of an eyesore. By my count you are look at something like 45 cameras unless I misunderstood something. I would guess most contractors are quoting you between $8,000 and $12,000 for labor and another $1200 to $1800 per camera on average which at 45 cameras is between $64,000 and $81,000. That doesn't include the recorder or any cabling which is probably at least another $5,500 for cabling and about $6,000 for the NVR plus hard drives at about $300 each and I am guessing you would need about 6 of them. By the way no conduit was included in this. So my random guess at a quote without even including conduit or seeing the building is between $85,300 and $106,300. This of course is an investment that would last for 10 years or more if kept up properly. Broken down over ten years that is $8530 per year or $710.83 per month on the low side and $10,630 per year and $885.83 per month on the high side. The question now is are you willing to make that kind of investment in your property?
  13. Those splitters are not what you want. You might be better off just getting an inexpensive POE switch, it will provide power and pass data with one box. Here are some decent examples: http://advancedelectronic.net/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=76351&gclid=CPm4purit70CFYMcOgodGGcAXg http://www.platinummicro.com/Airlink101-ASW408POE-8-Port-100Mbps-Switch/dp/B006HAGOT8?traffic_src=froogle&utm_medium=organic&utm_source=froogle&gclid=CKKcx5bjt70CFeRlOgodQi0A5Q This one only has as single POE port, but it depends on what you really need (think about future expansion) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?gclid=CNWw2_fjt70CFUpnOgodPE8Agg&Item=N82E16833127399&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-Switches-_-N82E16833127399&ef_id=Ue26SQAABfayvHyb:20140329124915:s
  14. Well my first thought would be to put it on a modulator, then distribute it throughout the building on a TV channel. That avoids needing a bunch of expensive hardware.
  15. ssnapier

    NVR Question

    What cameras are being used with this unit?
  16. If you are using motion to record and there isn't a ton of activity I am betting you can get 2 weeks out of that drive, but I would sure as hell not be using a single hard drive to record video for a security guard. At an absolute minimum I would have a RAID 1 array to provide redundancy.
  17. ssnapier

    NVR / DVR recomendation

    If your cameras are POE powered (most new IP cameras are) I tend to prefer a POE mid-span to provide the power to the cameras. It takes some of the stress off of the NVR. As for hardware recommendations, Hikvision is a solid choice. I tend to go with the stuff from LT Security, but only because they are close to me and I can get support if required. We use their stuff in my office and in a few customer sites. The prices are very competitive, and they have a decent amount of choice. They only sell to integrators though, so you will need to buy it thru someone. http://www.ltsecurityinc.com/
  18. ssnapier

    decent quality cameras

    If you have not taken the time to search thru these forums and see what information is already out there, I recommend doing that first. There is a ton to learn from this website, and knowledge is most definitely power in this situation.
  19. This sounds a lot like what UPS is doing at their WorldPort, but that is mostly on conveyor belts not manually handled. To be honest, this forum may not be the best place to discuss a project of this type. It is a nice place to get started, but just based on your description I can see this getting pretty complex in a hurry.
  20. Yup, this is a pretty easy thing. Nearly all of the decent PTZ's on the market can handle this function.
  21. Well ObjectVideo is the first one that comes to mind. If you are tracking people, you might also be able to use the PTZ tracking goodies from IOImage. There are a few others that are escaping my memory right now, but that should be enough to get you started. Where are you located?
  22. That typically requires a third party analytics engine, but yes it can be done. You might be better off using an RFID system that can track multiple items all at the same time. You can also have an RFID system that will send alarm signals to your camera system to give you video of the suspect area. Usually this alarm is set within 10 feet of an exit door or other sensitive area. If you are serious about this, hit me up with a PM but generally projects like this start at about $30,000 and go up pretty quickly.
  23. I am pretty sure 3VR has this built in to their equipment.
  24. ssnapier

    Video Enhancement

    That is awesome! " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" />