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  1. Been wading through posts and posts. Still don't know who makes what (re-badged dahua or hikvision, etc) Saw this on the Lorex site, black Friday sale. https://www.lorextechnology.com/hd-nvr-ip-cameras/8-channel-2k-resolution-home-security-system-with-8-ip-cameras/2KHDIP844D-1-p#featuresSection This looks like it was a great deal a few months ago. Currently the kits available at costco don't look too good. https://slickdeals.net/f/10409612-lorex-dahua-oem-6x-4k-8mp-security-camera-system-w-8-port-poe-ip-nvr-2tb-hdd-kit-at-costco-b-m-ymmv-for-799-99 Thanks, John
  2. Any opinions would be appreciated. The more I search around, the more I am confused, haha.
  3. Hey everyone, back after a few years and looking to go IP/POE to replace my two remaining analog dome cameras (CNB-VCM-24). Looking for 8 cameras for around the exterior of the house. Costco kits around $1,200 have terrible reviews, which kept me away from IP. But GW and Reolink are also around that price on Amazon and to my astonishment seem to have good reviews. Then I read some kits are re-badged Dahua products (some Lorex?) and also see information about Hikvision. GW (I would probably go with turret cameras as they look more compact to me) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01AYQ46GS/ref=twister_B0170VO3J0?_encoding=UTF8&th=1 So I am quite overwhelmed, is there an obvious choice at this price-point. Thanks, John
  4. I called up Q-see asking about the difference between these kits: http://www.costco.com/Q-See-16-Channel-IP-NVR-with-3TB-HDD%2c-12-3MP-Cameras-with-100'-Night-Vision.product.100220054.html#BVRRWidgetID http://www.costco.com/.product.100213199.html?cm_sp=RichRelevance-_-itempageVerticalRight-_-CategorySiloedViewCP&cm_vc=itempageVerticalRight|CategorySiloedViewCP#BVRRWidgetID Q-see said basically the only difference between the NVR is the hard disc capacity (2 drives vs. 4). How much clearer is the 4mp vs. 3mp camera. Q-see said it will basically only be noticeable when using digital zoom or if displayed on a very large screen.
  5. That is quite tempting. What do you think about the Swann kit? http://www.costco.com//.product.100144944.html?utm_campaign=bazaarvoice&utm_medium=SearchVoice&utm_source=RatingsAndReviews&utm_content=Default I wish these systems had better reviews, the Swann looks decent.
  6. Thanks. Their videos say ONIF-S compatible. Does that mean that I can add cameras by other manufacturers? Adding a HD is no big deal. Do you see any reason to spend over twice the price of this system on the Lorex? My thoughts are to keep the price as low as possible when dealing with electronics since a couple years from now there will likely be a much better product out. I searched around for Costco's return policy on electronics... it's 90 days. I have heard it used to have no limit, which would probably scam them a lot.
  7. Thanks! Searching around I found a thread you replied to suggesting this system http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16881183053&cm_re=laview-_-81-183-053-_-Product The company has a few how-to videos, it looks really good for the price.
  8. TWO YEARS LATER... Where are we with digital/NVR? In the next couple months I plan on moving my camera system to another house... have [under or about $1,000 with 6-8 camers] IP systems gotten "better" (more user friendly, I recall folks talking about hours of networking work after install, having issues with recording only with motion, etc). Do they still have user interfaces that look like they are from the 1990's? Thanks, John
  9. For the money, this looks pretty damn good, the DVR has a much nicer setup compared to my mega-cheapie I am currently using. I am starting to think a lot of the "cheaper" cameras are about the same quality. I do have a couple VCM-24VF cameras that are built like tanks (and look "professional"), but have a similar picture to a couple other cheaper ones I bought for my moms house. http://www.homedepot.com/p/t/203898956?productId=203898956&storeId=10051&langId=-1&catalogId=10053&ci_sku=203898956&ci_src=17588969&cm_mmc=shopping-_-googleads-_-pla-_-203898956&ci_gpa=pla#.Uh6ga7zAPx8 http://www.bjs.com/q-see-8-channel-h264-cifd1-itb-hard-drive-and-7-high-res-color-cameras-1-pointtilt-with-600-tvl-and-100-of-night-vision.product.230637?dimId=
  10. Hot tub cover blowing off in wind. Raccoon knocks over garbage can.
  11. Howdy all, still looking for something better than what I have, looks like IP stuff is about the same, there was a Lorex kit I noticed here for $800, but still plenty of complaints about configuration, etc. The clear picture is great though... I have a monitor here next to my computer on all the time to see the driveways, no real security concerns just nice to look at and see who is coming. My DVR is probably the worst part of the system, playback is awful, and I would like 8-channels (few more cameras). As much as box kits are frowned upon here, I am tempted to look into one as some have decent reviews especially for the money (better DVR than mine) to hold me over until IP stuff gets more budget-mainstream.
  12. hubjeep

    I think I got ripped off!!!

    Not surprised. Generally "pros" of anything charge about twice the best internet price I can find on anything, money is made on parts (usually charge retail). Get something fixed on your car, I bet you can find the part for half price on the internet.
  13. hubjeep

    Q-SEE NVR QC804

    BJ's has the 8 channel and 4 cameras for $800. http://www.bjs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10201&storeId=10201&partNumber=P_151156697&sc_cid=GPLA&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=151156697 That FedEx truck pic is excellent. IIRC there was a thread about swapping out a wide-angle lens on these cameras? EDITL: The 8 channel only has 4 ports, where do you plug in the 4 more if you choose to buy extras?
  14. hubjeep

    Q-See 4 Channel HD NVR w/ 2 x 720P Cameras

    BJ's has a 8 channel NVR with 4 cameras for $800 with HD. Thinking about getting this ro replace my very budget 4-channel analog unit. http://www.bjs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10201&storeId=10201&partNumber=P_151156697&sc_cid=GPLA&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=151156697 IIRC there was a thread here about changing the lens to a wider angle?
  15. Thinking about this folks... 8 channel NVR with HD and 4 cameras for $800. http://www.bjs.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10201&storeId=10201&partNumber=P_151156697&sc_cid=GPLA&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=151156697 My concerns are the 45* angle view, IIRC there is a replacement lens some used here to fix that.