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  1. Tegguy

    First Security Camera System

    Can anyone point me at specific models or at least mention the features to look out for? I don't follow how the alarm output on the NVR works. Sorry complete newbie here
  2. Tegguy

    Power POE switch with passive injector/splitter

    Are you asking if you can run 1 line from your main switch in the house through a conduit to a second poe switch and then run 3 cameras off that? If so the answer if yes but you cant power the switch over poe. I'd recommend having a gigabit connection between them though.
  3. Hello everyone.....my wife and I recently built a new house and when we did so I pre wired the 1st floor for 4 security cameras back porch, front porch, garage, and hallway figuring I can expand later easily on the second floor. I had cat 5e ran to all locations with the intent of running POE Cameras. We want to start looking at options to setup at least 3 locations (Front, back and garage) however, I have no idea what would be good to buy. I'll need Cameras and an NVR. What can you recommend without breaking the bank? If I could stay under $750 would be ideal the cheaper the better but I don't want something that will die on me either. I'd like software that will send sms/e-mail alerts when motion is detected. I'll need good low light/night visibility probably 50 feet+ would be ideal Thank You
  4. Tegguy

    Newbie: Need help designing system

    Once again I'll repost this because i think it got buried by the other unrelated questions What kind of budget would I need for a decent/good setup one analog setup and one IP setup? for just the cameras
  5. Tegguy

    Newbie: Need help designing system

    I'll repost this because i think it got buried What kind of budget would I need for a decent/good setup one analog setup and one IP setup? for just the cameras
  6. Tegguy

    Newbie: Need help designing system

    What kind of budget would I need for a decent/good setup? for just the cameras
  7. Tegguy

    Newbie: Need help designing system

    Anyone else have an advice?
  8. Tegguy

    Newbie: Need help designing system

    What is the biggest difference from analog to IP? other than the obvious. What price range would I need to step up to IP camera's? The PC I will probably run a 3 or 5 drive raid 5 setup with 1.5 TB drives in a server I have available. I suppose I should say the 1500 does not include building a computer but does include about 150 for hard drives I do need good low light viewing and good distance on at least 2 of them I want this setup to be easily viewable over the internet
  9. First of all thank you in advance for the help. I recently purchased a home and there have been a couple auto break-in's in the past couple months. There are not fences between neighborhoods and that is how they are getting through by simply cutting through yards. I plan to put up a fence but my neighbors do not. I'd like to design a surveillance system to monitor the outside of my house and the inside. I was thinking of about a 6 or 8 camera setup. I would put one on the side of the house that would face the area they come from (almost complete darkness) and one monitoring my backdoor (same light conditions) and I was thinking one watching the front door (same light conditions) I also wanted to put one monitoring my driveway (low to no light conditions). I'd like to put one in my garage and one or two inside the house. I plan to use a computer based setup as I have a ton of spare PC's. I really know nothing about any of this stuff and am having trouble finding the information. I'd like to keep it around 1500 but might be willing to go more. I'd need cameras and software. Also I plan to install and configure everything myself. Advice/Opinions/Suggestions are all welcome.
  10. Tegguy

    Hi from Florida

    New member from central Florida. I'm new to everything looking to get some information and help designing a system