Hello... I have a client that had installed an entry system that has only one door with one Eclipse ACC950 Card reader. The system has been working fine for about a couple of years. Once in a great while the card reader would lose the settings or not work, but the manager was instructed to reset the acc950 by pressing * 123456 # and then access the menu to reset it. There were only a couple of cards issued there is also a keyfob and everyone else was given a 4 digit pin. About a couple of weeks ago, the reader stopped receiving the pins, it is not that the pin was rejected, but people could NOT punch the pin. The reader beeps when the numbers are being punched, but now it only beeps once on the first number, and nothing happens. Both the cards and the keyfob stil work, so it is not a communication problem. however the log does not say anything when it fails to receive the pin.
The * 123456 # sequence does NOT work, since it would not take any digits. The eclipse distribuitor got called, and they sent someone out, and he had a brand new card reader with him. He could not reset the old one, so he installed the new one, and lo and behold it did NOT work either, same thing happened, so he left the old one, without charging the client, since he did not really fixed it. We are back to square one. If anyone knows how to either reset the reader, or tell me how to get it to work again, I will really apreciate it. Click.