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  1. badfishlbc

    Finally found 264 player for Swann

    You're welcome. My original post was going to be a little longer but I wanted to make it simple for someone to download the file. If you go to http://swann.com/downloads/drivers/DVR_2600 you will see a bunch of files. The link in that FTP directory is to a converter application and I think it's to generate AVI files. I'll make it a little easier with this link below: http://swann.com/downloads/drivers/DVR_2600/AVIGenerator-V1.8.0.0.exe By going to http://swann.com/downloads you will find a lot of folders and interesting files. But I am only familiar with the converter app and the player.
  2. badfishlbc

    Finally found 264 player for Swann

    You would be amazed to find out how much software some manufacturers have that is never put on their website. Ditto, especially with these types of products from China. They just don't seem to care about support. I own a Dahua which is recommended by a lot of the community here, but figuring out which app to download from their website and using it isn't easy. I call it 'job security' for the CCTV guys. In the end, I was impressed by this player for Swann 264 files. I was able to open the folder of saved videos and they were well categorized and the playback was smooth.
  3. I spent hours googling, downloading video converters, etc, when all I wanted to do was play some saved DVR footage from a Swann DVR. I was taken several times to this forum and saw many threads with the questions unanswered. The Swann DVR model I was trying to view saves files in .264 extensions. So I called them and they gave me the location to download the player which you will not find on their website. http://swann.com/downloads/drivers/DVR_2600/PlayBack_V1_0_1_15.exe I know some other DVRs also save in 264 format and this player might work for them too.
  4. Does anyone know if it's possible to play in reverse when in playback mode on the Dahua PSS software? I searched without any luck...