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  1. I am browsing over DVRs for a CCTV system and wish to include a remote view facility to enable me to use my HDC HD7 mobile which has a WINCE operating system. I see many specs claiming the facility for IPHONE and ANDROID OS's but not WINCE. My question is how is mobile remote view facilitated on a DVR? Is it by External third party software only or firmware in the DVR or a hard wired hardware process at manufacture. On another issue - I am on NTL ISP and this uses DHCP . Will I need to ensure the DVR supports this please? N.B This is my very first post, appologies if I have fouled up in any way.
  2. Gigapixel

    Hi from Norwich, England, UK

    Hello everybody I am very pleased to join your forum and hope to contribute as time passes on. I know nothing of cctv engineering although I am an electrical engineer by profession. I am impressed by the wealth of knowledge and experience amongst the membership and have questions to ask after familiarising myself with the rules and finding my way around. Have a lovely day everyone.