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Everything posted by teegold

  1. My customer has three ip cameras on his house that were there when he bought the house. there is no name or serial number on them, they are white bullet cameras with an integrated rj45 tail. 1. what software can i try that may work with this (unknown camera) 2. they want another camera with a distance of 100-150ft , any suggestions 3. if that camera in #2 is not an ip camera, how do i integrate all camera's on a dvr.
  2. Great description, so I will get some baluns to interface the cat5 coming from the cameras to the bnc connector on the dvr. I will take the advise of you guys and plan on the existing camera's being analog. Hopefully they still work. One more question, please indulge me. What kind of camera can i purchase that will allow me to see a clear picture of someone from 100 ft away. We want to see who is at the gate but dont want to bury cat5, and the distance is too far for wireless, one suggestion was to put a high res camera at the top of the house pointed at the gate would be able to see who is at the gate. The equipment suggested is: a Samsung SCC-B2331 High Resolution Security Camera w/ 5-100mm Auto-Iris Varifocal Lens, and a weatherproof Sony Effio IR Camera. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  3. is this an analog or ip camera, and if it is analog, do i need a converter to connect it to a dvr's bnc or will i be able to plug the rj45 directly into the router. Also does anyone have software for it if it is in fact an ip camera. I went to the adt site but could not find the camera there.
  4. Here is the picture of one of the camera's sorry so small but you can zoom in to see what it looks like
  5. The camera's are attached to the house with the rj45 going to a small circuit board with another rj45 port that has the cat 5 cable running to it that runs to the patch panel. so its like a cat5 extension circuit I guess.
  6. I have a picture of it on my Ipad, i will post it later tonight. Im pretty new to the world of cctv, so please excuse my ignorance, but why would they integrate an rj45 onto an analog camera. I would think it would be digital?