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Everything posted by davidelsbury

  1. Hi all- I'm new I have acquired an Ultrak PT-720 / Maxpro RD-390 high speed pan/tilt head and intend to use it for filming live events etc (somewhat outside your realm, I know.) I am after any information anyone may have on this unit. I do have a copy of part of the user manual, and I also have the serial commands (this unit is RS232 based). I am happy to send the user manual chapter that I do have (13) to anyone that wants it, and I will post the serial commands below. If anyone can help, that would be much appreciated. Thank you David 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits & 1 stop bit, no flow control. Commands are two bytes ANSI text, upper case. First byte is the control & second is the option which is usually the speed. It's pretty easy, you send the command which starts the action & then send a stop command to stop it. L1 = Left speed 1, L9 = left speed 9 U1 = Up D1 = Down, R1 = Right F1 = Focus Far N1 = Focus Near O1 = Iris Open I1 = Iris Close A1 = Zoom in B1 = Zoom Out H0 = Stop S0 = Set view position 0 (has ten positions available) V0 = Recall View position 0 For wiring, DB 15 connector has the following Pins 1 & 2 - 24v A/c "A" Pins 3 & 4 - 24v A/c "B" Pin 7 - Video signal Pin 14 - Video screen Pin 9 - RS232 RX Pin 10 - RS232 TX Pin 11 - RS232 Ground