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Everything posted by vincenttor

  1. Thanks, thats a great idea indeed. " title="Applause" /> I have a tv here at home thats interactive, see how that works. the hdmi sticks are not expensive indeed.
  2. Hi all, i am busy to update a security system in a friends house. Now his wishes are the be able to view the image on all the TV's in the house. I have been thinking how i should manage this. The recorder we have is the NVR3204V The TV's are located about 15/20 meters away from each other and all have HDMI but there is only 1 hdmi port available on the nvr. I thought to use a hdmi splitter 3 way so i have 3 ports with the same amplified signal. The question is , how to get it to the TV's as simple as possible and possible the cheapest way. 1 TV is no problem since the NVR is under the ground there and a cable can be connected right away from the splitter to the TV. The other 2 however are a bit further located. I have been looking in a wireless system but i am not sure if these work like advertised with interference and suchs even when they work on 5.8 ghz (that band is getting more crowded as we speak and the problem comes i guess what we have with 2.4 ghz that its full in a while when it becomes standard as well) Is there maybe a out of the box solution , or do i have to place a raspberry for example everywhere that runs some sort of a cctv player ? Hope to hear from you guys, thanks Vince
  3. Thanks for your reply, i actually have forgot to mention those as well. If there is no other solution i might have to think of these indeed, the "problem" is that it needs 2 cat5/6 cables and i do need to be able to hide those as well. I prefer something with 1 cable or if there is something else like broadcast it on the cable tv line if suchs excist ofcourse.
  4. lol, how about looking on top of the forum haha. Its easy done but you have to know what pin and then youre done.
  5. Yes that looks great ! Thanks for the vid
  6. My question is, Is it possible to let the TV switch to let's say your AV channel if there is a motion detection or alert ? I have thought of a few ideas: I am using a Dahua VEC8016HB card, and Linovision software. This supports I/O controllers wich i have ordered. I got 8 input chans and 8 output chans. when there is a alert i would like to let the i/o device switch the television in the living room if its already on to the AV channel so i can see the cams on screen. It is a Samsung Led tv UEA something not sure about the type. If there is a movement alarm or something/one walks trough the PIR beams it turns a relay on that presses a button on a learning remote control. The one you can use on multiple devices and can make your own programs with. I thought to learn it and set under a key so the relay presses the key and it turns on the wanted channel. This is all nice but its messy. I am not the only one with this idea i think, and is there something that does this out of the box. Or do you need a special TV for it, do i need to contact samsung for something like this ? Any body ? hope this is not to messy and a bit understandable what i mean. Thanks Vincent
  7. Thanks allot Neutech, that is what i am looking for. You are right about that indeed, maybe i will only make it turn to AV when the doorbel is pressed on the gate. That makes it less irritating i guess. Super " title="Applause" /> makes me happy
  8. vincenttor

    My home made PTZ camera

    Just wanted to share some images from my home made ptz camera the Lens weights about 5-7 Kg and came from a security camera that was used at the highway. my dad got 2 of them, funny story. the guy where he got them from didnt knew what to do with them and was smashing them in pieces with a big hammer on the ground he saved 2 of them just in time " title="Applause" /> The camera thats used is the Samsung Utp2000 with 0.0001 lux black and with and 0.003 or something in color Well it all started with a velleman k8000 card that you can use to control stuff, actually everything you like by the computer. i have looked at the Rs485 cards that are usable with the DVR software tools but the problem is that it uses voltage difference for lens control iris/zoom/focus and this lens does not use voltage difference but it uses a polarity switch. it does run on 5 Volt now because on 12V is all went to fast the focus/zoom/iris option especially when you use it remote by the internet with a delay. so this took a while to make there are i think for all the options 32 relays on the board now haha, its one big clicking party if someone controls the camera. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljQeeVbEB3Q just finished and testing The Pan Tilt arm is from some other system what we got from some place, don't remember were and this works on 220V also pretty easy to connect. it's a heavy duty arm as you can see. This is the camera housing i made, it is made from Poly ethyleen plastic. i use this daily for making tanks/pools etc. also put silver reflecting tape on the outside because of the heat of the sun. and here we are testing also lasercutted a front cover from acrylic glass for rain protection and mounted a cooling fan on the back. mounted in a tower on 9 meter high Then i made a housing for the mini atx board and the card. Made it from pieces of Polyethyleen plastic that i had left from a pool i made once (plastic welding) This all is controllable by a gsm remote switch, calling starts the computer sms you can switch 7 relays and everything is controllable even turn off and on from the modem incase there is a problem. I forgot to make a movie from the quality and the sight there but will try to make this tomorrow. its not real good to do on a big distance because the itnernet connection in france isnt the best 60 kb/s upload max so when i use remote desktop and busy with video its hard to control. will upload some screenshots later on Whats the point , there are cams like this for sale for a few 100 dollars with the same/higher quality you ask yourself ? Well i had most of the stuff laying arround and its fun to make something yourself atleast thats what i think hope i inspired some people to make there own stuff or show there creations Vincent
  9. vincenttor

    My home made PTZ camera

    HA! I have a $400 PTZ on my house that's 100x better, but I can still dig it. were is the fun of buying ? well i like to make stuff and if it works this good its just more fun also cheap because the lens was for free the ptz also and the velleman card i bought for little money. what type of ptz is that cam then , ip version ?
  10. vincenttor

    DVR Server build

    Well today i discovered that my Composite usb was broken it was time to make the Dahua card into a nice box. wanted to show the pics here, fits exactly funny thing is the case i have here is from the old security system from the house. I bought the DDahua VEC8016HB card and had a new Zotac motherboard that i planned to use for my carpc. now its a nice DVR server. All fits tight in the box some things to search for is a piece of hardware that works with the dahua software to add sensors planning to make a invisible fence . when you step trough the line the sensor gets an alarm and all cams start to record. also busy with 50W floodlight led to make. buy 50w leds with transformer and build them into cheap halogen floodlights much to do
  11. vincenttor

    My home made PTZ camera

    thats a great idea indeed red thx and with the lightning rod on a higher place is even better. There are some changes made in the tower, have a telescope ? tower i can use a winch to get the tower up to 26 Meters now and when it is down it is just +/- 7 meters all remote controlled so when i drop it down you can barely notice the tower
  12. Well i am using Network cables instead of coax cable. I have learned my lessons by buying cheap cable , the cables like 305meter for 80 euro. i guess the problem is that they are made from aluminum with a copper coating. I discovered it when i got image loss and problems when using it for the computer network. what i did is take a multi/volt meter and i measured the cable resistance. for example i used the orange pair and added them together on the end of the cable ( 300meter) the value i got was high over 150 Ohm. then i got the blue pair and measured, still the same cable and length. the value i got was 40 Ohm. and so on, this should be all the same or a bit difference. then i bought a Belden Cat5e cable and it was allot better. per accident i bought a FTP cable that means a cat5e cable but shielded with aluminum foil and from another brand. the image difference was allot better compared to the old one. i do not got images of the difference in France were i discovered it but today i changed my cables from 2 cams allready with the AMP tyco cat5 FTP cable. you can see some difference in details I did used the bnc-ftp adapters to get 75 Ohm instead of the 100 Ohm the camera i used for testing is a cheap PTZ cam from ebay with 27x zoom. plan is to change the cam for a better one with a higher LUX rate like 0.001 or something. image is also captured with a Usb-Av in adapter instead of a DVR So all i want to say with this is do not save money on the cable if you want to keep the best image possible will change the cable next weekend from the samsung cam i use that has a better resolution to see the difference there and do some more tests with zooming on objects
  13. Sorry for the late reply had allot of work to do. Well here we have bad cables then for that money, ive called with 5 company's that sold the cheaper sorts and most of m did not knew if they were all copper or aluminum with copper layer. no test rapports or something. Today i wanted to test the camera and the composite adapter i used with the previous tests does not work anymore goodbye test results... So sorry but this topic can be closed or deleted.
  14. @rory: i changed the javascript to motion jpeg but it did not do anything because the computer was allready offline so the images are both taken with the javascript part. i can not do a comparison anymore with the DVR card this is because i do not have the old wire anymore there. @soundy, no id did mean infact FTP cable STands for : Foiled Twisted Pair you also got Sftp and that is that the pairs are also foiled and the whole cable. Did not knew about the measuring i thought it would be the problem. it did gave problems with the internet and image. but still isnt it strange, the same cable length , but the pairs all give a different Ohm value ( i am a DIY'r so i didnt knew about this) with the next camera's i will use the DVR software and make a screenshot to compare then take a screen with the new cable. thanks for the tip btw with the baluns, i understood that those meant if you only used network cable
  15. I have a few questions about the DVR cards from dahua. the card i have now uses idvr but with viewing 3 camera's the cpu load is to high. not even talking about recording. so i have read topics here and noticed that dahua has hardware compression. This sounds all really nice but i have a few questions. i see things about the PSS and DSS software , downloaded a copy of pss and i see that it is to make connection with a external dvr if i am correct. i supose this is not to connect to a DVR card then right ? if so what software works with dahua cards and is it any good ? What i am looking for is a 16 channel card and a distributer that i have found by google advises me to use the VEC8008HB card for 8 channel or the VEC8016HB for 16 channels. I also read something about clones, i rather have a good working version then a clone with cracked software and chips on the card that work half power or not. are there many dahua clones ? the price for the card is 110 dollar for the 8 channel and 190 dollar for the 16 channel card i have a Xls file here from the distributor but i do not know if i can postit here because of making advertisement for this store then. i can upload / share it if someone wants to see it. This is a bit of a hobby so i do not want it to cost 3000 dollar, it should stay fun. anyone that can give some opinions or information/experiences with it. Thanks Vincent
  16. vincenttor

    New CCTV setup advice please

    maybe IP camera's are an idea ? and if the range is not enough from the wifi. use a wifi amplifier and a external antenna the image is far more sharp also then wired cams if i understood correct.
  17. yes off course the manufacturers will place nice ratings to sell there product but if you look at this movie they also send it does seem to work pretty good if you ask me. do not know for sure if it is 100meter or more but certainly looks like a big distance http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTg5NTMyNTQ4.html its some sort of a Chinese you tube link i also have a PDF file with the prices and sorts they sell if i understood correctly they have one with a lens also that can zoom in and zoom out so the further you go the more you can narrow or wide it. (no i am not a salesman, just interested in this stuff also have the same "problem")
  18. why not use a camera with IR laser. i am planning to buy an IR laser , on ebay and several sites you can find it for about 250 dollar (laser only) it does light up to +/- 250 meter or more and indeed buy a light sensative cam something like 0.00001 lux atleast thats what i should do
  19. vincenttor

    My home made PTZ camera

    @ red. There is much lightning there in france and it crossed my mind a few times. there is another thing hehe. its not only the high tower but also a big antenna. the boom/horizontal is 13 meter long. that also does not help, but i am designin a lift system to drop it up/down. its best that i do let me inform by some company's that make stuff like that to protect against lightning. the thing i am more scared of is that when it hits the next 4 or maybe 10 houses all there equipment is broken because of the hit. that it goes into the electrical system in the power lines @ numbnuts. well about that. haha i have no idea what they will say. atleast i do not have any neighbours and its pretty hidden. they havent complained about this tower and antenna yet so its waiting till they do i gues. if i put up something like that in the netherlands within less then a week i have to get it down for sure. got a bit smaller tower here and is also going to hold a camera like the one above. but i can lower it to 7 meters and its almost hidden
  20. vincenttor

    My home made PTZ camera

    haha, well yes about the grouding. i have thought of several ways to do it. contacted ham operators how they done it and there solution. but many operators said i take the risk, when you ground it the lighting wants to hit it even more. shortest road to the ground they told me. the weight, well it isnt that heavy. i lifted with a friend of mine all the parts on the trailer. i gues its 100kg for the bottom part then part 2 90 kg or something the last 2 are light, 70 kg - 50 kg
  21. nvm about what software i found a topic with all the software explained and did some comparing with netvison geovision and other visions and the dahua site the cards are 99% the same.
  22. vincenttor

    My home made PTZ camera

    Yes its nice to make something yourself and especially when it works. making the controller did take some braincracking, there are 32 relays on the card or more can;t even remember haha 'the tower is getting a little upgrade next year. Bought a 24 (75 feet?)meter high tower, the one i got now is 10 meter high ( 30 feet ?) it is still in the netherlands so i have to move it to france , about 1100 km away from my house. this is how we picked it up, car of a friend of mine almost could not do it, the engine temp was to hot after 30 min driving hehe
  23. i have the same card 8 channel that came with idvr the CPU load is really high only when viewing cameras. when i record its almost 100% and the motion detection part is not really great indeed, not even talking about checking the captured video's i also have tried a few programs but none of them worked. thats why i want another dvr card
  24. vincenttor

    DVR output using CAT5

    what also helps is a FTP cable or Sftp i have had some problems also with cheap cat 5e cables then i tried another cable and suddenly 5 times sharper image and no more problems or maybe you are using a cable like that allready the thing i discovered when measuring with a multi meter/volt meter with the cheap cable when i measured 1 pair it said 130 Ohm then i grabbed the orange/orange white pair and it had 30 ohm resistance. all the strings gave different value's and had big problems transferring video/rs485 signal then i bought a Ftp cat5 cable and all the value's were the same 25 Ohm if im correct . after connecting it i noticed that the image was much more sharp then before and i could even power the camera trough the cable by using 2 pairs for + and - on a distance of 55 meter (the cheap cable worked perfect with a lengt of 5 meter, so testing like that would not help you) good luck
  25. vincenttor

    My home made PTZ camera

    its about 1.9KM distance used http://www.afstandmeten.nl to check it. thx for the tip red, i don't think we will get problems with it. atleast i hope not and my french is 0.5 haha english ill manage but reading french or know were to look is a whole different story