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Everything posted by ethanace

  1. ethanace

    Arecont FAIL

    Yes they are. Do they have a different web interface?
  2. ethanace

    Arecont FAIL

    We've been using these recently: http://www.3xlogic.com/prod/1053/visix-series-ip-camera-solutions - primarily the VSX-2MP-VD model, and a few of the VSX-2MP-D indoor dome (not as pleased with these, they have stranger flicker issues under fluorescent lights). They have some minor installation annoyances, but that's really all they are: annoyances, nothing that's a deal-breaker like the Areconts I've used. Those look like a Hikvision relabel to me. Some of the accessory part numbers are even the same or close. Take the VSX- off of the VSX-DS-1217ZJ wall mount for the outdoor domes, and it's a Hikvision part number. Appearance and design are the same, too.