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  1. Finally got the DVR back up and working. With the power off, inserted flash drive into the usb with the 4 unzipped files ver 1009. Shorted tp 5 & 6 located next to the left of the SATA cable. You might need magnifier if your eyes are like mine. I used a solid wire that was filed on the end to create a sharp point. Tweezers would work best though. Turned the power on and waited for the beep then removed the short across the tp's. The unit loaded the firmware from the flash drive. Hope this helps others.
  2. I unzipped the file that you sent and loaded both the folder with the ,bin files and .bin files not in the folder in a mem stick. Installed it in the dvr ands cycled the power. But same thing, one beep, the vga monitor has, in blue. H.264 and underneath it says "System Initial......"
  3. I'll give it a try. Thank You
  4. But I can't connect/communicate remotely for locally. Anyway to initialize with a hardware reset? The unit beeps once when cycling the power. That's it.
  5. Upgraded the firmware from 1009 to 1012. System will not boot after firmware upgrade. Screen says "Initializing" but that's it. Cycled power but no luck. Any help will be appreciated.