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  1. Here is a tutorial video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsahDWNByVQ It offers some general hints for how to do the RTSP streaming video. Frankly, I'm afraid you have to contact your supplier to get more specific info. about your camera, so you can work out a compatible solution. Or, the supplier can offer the official software for the camera. Sometimes, only suppliers or manufacturers know what unbranded china stuffs really are. BTW,based on my experience, yes, it's a annoying to buy china stuffs as many items are unbranded, but prices are good. My friends and I use comparison site to help us find the best one. Here is one, http://www.shopsimple.com/security-and-surveillance_c0914.html Compare prices and read reviews to avoid scams. More importantly, you can keep in contact with your supplier over there. This comparison site is the only one I know for comparing china stuffs.
  2. Yeah, frankly, I don't have sophisticated knowledge in this camera field. I just know a little based on my experience. Anyway, thanks for what you share.
  3. As I know, generally, there are 8 channels on the screen at the same time. Haven't checked any 16 channels at the same time yet.
  4. My cameras all work with 9v, and cameras function pretty good. I guess 9v is the most adopted criteria.
  5. For shopping from ebay, you can have a small trail order to test the seller is good or not, and then go ahead or walk away to find a better one.
  6. kaiteter

    Hi all

    Hi all, I'm learning security and cctv camera stuffs as my hobby, of course want to diy several cameras in my house. So glad to find this place to learn. Nice to meet you all. Cheers!