Actually, I should mention what I really want to do is
Camera with single wiring -> Cat5 cable (for length) -> Balun w/ screw terminals -> DVR
So what wires would I connect from the loose wiring on the camera to the Cat 5 cable? Should I take one twisted pair and have the Camera yellow -> solid wire of twisted pair, and Camera black -> striped wire of twisted pair...then have the solid wire -> + terminal on balun and striped wire -> - terminal on balun? Would that work?
Hello. I am doing a CCTV install for a friend's restaurant. He originally had several cheap black and white cameras set up from from a previous install. I upgraded him to color IR cameras and DVRs several months ago. He now wishes to use the old black and white cameras as well. I am going to be purchasing another DVR to use with the B/W cameras.
Here is my question. The B/W cameras do not have BNC nor DC power connectors. There are just 4 single wires coming from the cameras: red, black, white and yellow. I am assuming red is +DC, black is -DC, yellow is video and white is audio (they have a mic, I believe). Red/black I will connect to a power supply and audio will not be used.
I'm a little confused on how to get the video connected using baluns with screw ternminals and cat5 cabling. I know normally with screw terminal baluns you would plug the camera-end BNC into a balun, have one wire of a twisted pair in one screw terminal and the other wire in the other terminal (for positive/negative), then do the same with the DVR-end balun. But if I have only one yellow video wire coming from this camera and I want to connect it in some way to a long cat5 cable, then convert it to BNC so it can go to the DVR, how would I accomplish this? What connections would I need to make with the 1 yellow wire, cat 5 cable, and screw terminal baluns to do this?
Thank you in advance for your help
I am pretty sure the white is for a microphone. There is a small dot on the front of the camera that looks like it would be a mic, and I was told that the old setup had both yellow and white RCA cables going into the old DVR (and the white RCA ends were marked "audio").
How can I have the one black wire going to the - terminal on the balun and also the - on the PSU?