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  1. Hello You don't need Dvr Card for Ip camera you do need pc to rescord unless you are go to record to a sd card that a lot geovision ip camera Have
  2. AndyA

    remote/client software windows 8 64 bit

    works fine for me http://www.geovision.com.tw/upload/en/GV-Video_server-firmware/DMMultiView_1211.zip
  3. The Cable pin out is in the user Guide http://www.samsungsv.com/Download/SDE-5001_User_Manual.pdf
  4. AndyA

    remote/client software windows 8 64 bit

    I always use one website no issues http://www.geovision.com.tw/english/5_5.asp dmm multiviewer download
  5. AndyA

    dvd drive swap

    I don't know about that dvr but I would say alignment issue with drive so it push the button all the time also was it ide or sate cd rom it look custom driver but if was ide you might want to check jumpers
  6. AndyA

    remote viewing Zmodo NVR using HughesNet

    HI what Hughes platform you on new gen 4 stuff? what modem ht 1000 we are install for Canada Version of that That setup but it does not have static ip address yet
  7. Would recommend Cheap video card we have few geovision system out they all have video card and when every we specs out stuff Geovison Distributor in Canada Always say use a video card not onboard
  8. HI I have run cat 5 cable it run 475 feet Yes I know out spec for Cat5 Cable Distance but it has been run for 6 Months until now run geovision BL120 camera that suddenly stopped work on dlink des-1228p poe switch Changed Cable end and started work fine for 2 days then stop again haven't changed end again but was curios if any one is running any poe camera at extreme distance? they a second geovision camera run 500 feet run Again out specs but it work rock solid The Cable will pass data to laptop it works fine
  9. AndyA

    Clinton camera opinions

    Hi We had few old cliton camera i think not sure of model off the of my head they work fine few year normal bnc camera nothing super fancy we end up replace them for ip camera but they was nothing wrong they camera just of course was old technologies
  10. AndyA

    Bad Geovision Ipcamera

    Hi Out of Curiosity how are you power the Camera 12 volt or 24 volt or poe ? I would suggest take it open slide inside out take volt meter to contacts for power
  11. AndyA

    Bad Geovision Ipcamera

    Hello what the issues with camera? Maybe try one they deal they might help you fee or have you try called geovison direct I have had no issues with authoized deal in canada you might try ask deal if you by new camera to replace it they help you out on get other one warrenty I get my camera from local deal in canada all can say they services for warrenty has be excently http://www.geovision.com.tw/english/7_0.asp Did you by camera online by chance with credit card maybe you could try going after that way?
  12. Hi Just thoght i point out it does work on windows 7 64 Not sure what up with your windows 7 64 bit install but the client does work on work windows 7 64 bit I have it on more the one 64 bit workstations You can download it on geovison sites both the Remote Log View and DmmMultiviewer http://www.geovision.com.tw/upload/en/GV-Video_server-firmware/DMMultiView_1205.zip http://www.geovision.com.tw/upload/en/GV-Video_server-firmware/RemoteViewlog_1205.zip
  13. AndyA

    GeoVision is Released! - Holy Mama!

  14. AndyA

    Playback just stalls

    Does the file copy with out error to other machine network just does'nt play cause if that cause you could be missing codec are your camera record in avi or they doing h26.4 if so they is a player in geovsion folder for play them back also a repair tool for avi
  15. AndyA

    Playback just stalls

    Have you try burn the footage useing view and then play back on diffent computer ? Maybe video card issues also you could try play the clip outside geovison if you have codec install it shound be under the cam folder under you geovison install folder