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  1. spiralsmurf

    suggestions for best way to wire up a multi-monitor system

    after doing even more research i see that you're correct about the DVR's having looping outputs. what i'll do is hook up the four exterior cameras to an old-school 4 channel multiplexer and run the signal to the front desk. i don't want her to have access to any other cameras, so that works out. Can i use standard televisions for monitors with the DVR, since they have composite output?
  2. spiralsmurf

    suggestions for best way to wire up a multi-monitor system

    what about a system like this? it seems like it would do the job nicely: link
  3. what i need to do is this... i will have approximately 12 cameras total with 4 of them being outside. I want my receptionist to only be able to watch the outdoor cameras and then i need two other monitors that will display all 12 cameras. Also I need all 12 cameras to be recorded using a PC-based dvr caputre system or possibly a standalone unit.. i'm thinking that i would use BNC T-connectors to patch the signal into different places. Basically using a 16-channel multiplexer i would patch off the outdoor cameras to a 4-channel multiplexer connected to the receptionist desk. i'll also patch the 12 channels into the second monitor and then into the DVR. is there an easier way to do all this? Is there a way to get a monitor to show 12 cameras using only 1 cable?