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Posts posted by fastsoft

  1. Sean,


    Can you give me an example of a company that makes DVR and NVRs with the sub DVR feature?


    Anyone else find that having 8+ IP cameras on their LAN, totally makes the LAN unusable for other users? Are people usually running dedicated networks for the IP cameras?

  2. The reason I don't want the viewers to directly connect to the DVR is because my upstream bandwidth is usually only 1Mbps. That's barely enough for one channel, let alone multiple users trying to stream the same channel.


    It's like the Ustream model...single uploader and then take advantage of large pipes at datacenters...

  3. For Example lets say I have DVR1, 2, 3 each with Channel A, B, C. They all connect to a Central Station in a datacenter somewhere.


    Then I have viewers


    Viewer I (Los Angeles):


    1A, 1C, 2B, 3A


    Viewer II (San Francisco):


    1A, 1B, 2A, 2C, 3A, 3B


    Etc...Is this possible? Each Viewer would connect directly to Central Stations such that DVR1, 2, 3 only would have to send one upstream video.


