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  1. So I found this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16881523001 I basically just need a system that can livestream over my home network to multiple PC's. It also must be able to be accessible via the internet, which I suppose wouldn't be that big of a deal (if worse comes to worse I could just use VNC as long as it works over the network). I'm not really sure how these things work on a network though. Do I just plug it into my router and then all other PC's can access it? Or does it work as its own router and I have to plug the PC directly into it to view it? Also, I'm not sure how the recording works. If I use continuous mode, and the hard drive fills up, does it just delete the oldest data and continue writing endlessly? Or does it stop once the hard drive is full? I couldn't really find any reviews on this brand or particular system, so if anyone has any input about whether this is a good buy or not I'm open to suggestions. Hopefully I posted this in the right place.
  2. So I found this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16881523001 I basically just need a system that can livestream over my home network to multiple PC's. It also must be able to be accessible via the internet, which I suppose wouldn't be that big of a deal (if worse comes to worse I could just use VNC as long as it works over the network). I'm not really sure how these things work on a network though. Do I just plug it into my router and then all other PC's can access it? Or does it work as its own router and I have to plug the PC directly into it to view it? Also, I'm not sure how the recording works. If I use continuous mode, and the hard drive fills up, does it just delete the oldest data and continue writing endlessly? Or does it stop once the hard drive is full? I couldn't really find any reviews on this brand or particular system, so if anyone has any input about whether this is a good buy or not I'm open to suggestions. Hopefully I posted this in the right place. EDIT: Hmm, double post. Delete this one please.