Hi All,
I have a client with an existing mix of 6 Acti, Axis, and Mobotix IP cameras. Currently their SBS server is acting as DVR, but having an understandably very hard time coping with it all, on top of regular duties. Also the the Mobotix Q22 camera has a known conflict with the server's "Wolfdale" class CPU that won't allow it to be added to the DVR recording server software (known issue confirmed by Mobotix).
We want and need to get them onto a dedicated DVR ASAP, but am at a bit of a loss for choice.
We need the unit to support:
8 channel.
Acti, Axis and mobotix IP cameras.
Footage to be (re)viewable from web browser, without client software (and preferably without need for IE/Active X).
Smartphone viewable.
This is what's available from our usual supplier (Tiger Direct):
Do any of these support IP cameras (it doesn't seem to be explicitly stated).
Or do I need something from here:
Ideally we'd like to keep costs down, as have already spent on decent cameras, and would like a DVR in the $500 region, if not too much to ask.
Many thanks for any advice, or even suggestions for other suppliers.