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Everything posted by bassman99

  1. Hi, couple of quick things: 1. You cannot install 2 x PCI GV1480 cards in one machine. At least one needs to be PCI-Express 2. If you are using a PCI-Express card, make sure you have connected the power cable to the card.
  2. bassman99

    Quick Question adding IP camera

    yep, that's right. You can have up to 8 IP streams (either from IP Camera or Video Server) on a GV Card - whether it is a 4, 8 12 or 16 channel. BUT, just be aware that when connecting via something like MultiView you may not see the "extra" channels. You might need to add these to your MultiView "hosts" so you can view them together with the analogue. Basically, an 8 channel card will act like an 8 channel card even if you are able to add another 8 ip cameras. Course it'll change in 8.3....
  3. bassman99

    GV-1480 Specs confirmation

    Yeah, the GV2008 and its MPEG-2 hardware compression really produce DVD like quality images. If you want the best quality and have the disk storage available, the GV2008 ( GV2008 x2 for 16 channels) is the way to go!
  4. bassman99


    With MD the recognition success would probably not be higher than 80-85%. With I/O you can achieve 99%. You can use motion but you'll never get the best recognition. Saying that, I've seen the GeoVision LPR System running on MD and it was performing well. A speed bump was installed however, to help slow the vehicles down. When setting up, take some time playing around with the masking to make sure when the LPR System is triggered by the vehicle, it is in the best possible position and at the right angle. If the angle of the camera is more than 30 degrees then your recognition will be affected. You can use 1 machine for GeoVision and the LPR System but this is usually dependent on the GV Card you are using, the amount of cameras, the number of LPR Lanes and the recognition type (e.g. motion or I/O). If you wanted to use a GV800-4 with a 1 lane LPR on IO that would probably be ok but on motion, the pc would be working a lot harder so you might experience a delay in your license plate capture. Most people stick to separate systems, especially if they have quite a few cameras on the main system and are using MD on the LPR.
  5. bassman99

    Geovision remote software

    Also with the version 8 software you have some minor remote configuration. You can start/stop monitoring and change the camera brightness, contrast and saturation. As Jasper said, using something like Ultra VNC is the easiest way. It works very well, we use it a lot! The latest Control Center software is also now out in Version 8. With this you do exactly what you need....access the geovision system as if you in front of it. This software also has a powerful video matrix option which enables you to view up 64 cameras on 1 screen!
  6. bassman99

    GV800 missing motion from main viewing screen

    What is the playback like on single and multi screen view? What software version are you currently running?
  7. bassman99

    Geo Y2K Bug

    This fix has been updated to V7.07 as there was still some people experiencing problems with the V7.06 patch. There is more infomation here: http://www.ezcctv.com/techforum/viewtopic.php?t=712 This the patch link: http://www.geovision.com.tw/geo/V7.0.7.0/Patch_file/Update_ViewLog-V7070-E.exe
  8. bassman99

    Geovision ver 8.0

    I have a GV1240 with webcam accessed throughout the day/night. CPU is around 30-40%. This is viewing single camera webcam view 720x576 H.264 I am also using a 3.0ghz P4 with HT but have 1GB RAM. The webcam server does use RAM to support its remote connections so you could try adding another 512MBRAM to see?