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Everything posted by ViciousBiscuit

  1. Hi all, apologies in advance if this has been covered before, did a search and cant find anything that answeres my question. I am wanting to upgrade the dvr at my parents, currently its a cop security dvr but i've never been able to remotely view the camera's and i think this is due to needing a DDNS (Tried and failed to get it working no matter what) I plan to get a new dvr with DDNS built in, and have seen a few, however i want to know if there are any out there which i can view the feeds over the internet at D1 resolution, all the ones i have looked at state they record and display locally at D1 but over network (internet) they can only do cif resolution. Surely there are some dvr's out there that you can remote view at D1? Its not as if its that much data. Thanks
  2. ViciousBiscuit

    CCTV DVR, remote viewing resolutions

    Thanks again for the quick reply, thats cleared things up nicely! I'll do a bit more research and hopefully get one soon, cant wait to be able to view and control the pelco ptz dome i have outside my parents, from the comfort of my own place Thanks again
  3. ViciousBiscuit

    CCTV DVR, remote viewing resolutions

    Thanks for the quick reply, i was concerned about the quality of cif but i guess as long as the local recording and viewing is at D1 then thats the important thing. I take it DVR's that support remote viewing also allow you to control the DVR remotely via a login? So if for example i wanted to change settings or save some footage to a usb stick already connected, i could do that remotely without having to pop round my parents? Thanks
  4. Hi, Long time lurker, hope someone can clear this up for me cause i've asked a few ebay sellers and none of them know the answer. I want a megapixel cctv setup, either 720p or 1080p (would rather 1080p). I know if for example i got a 720p camera i could view the feed locally on a pc at 720p resolution and whatever framerate the specs define (30fps for arguements sake), but if i were to view the feed on a pc at another location over the internet, could i achieve the same resolutions and framerates? Is this all dependant on upload/download speeds of the isp's, or do i need to be looking for somthing specific on the camera itself? Many thanks for any advice.
  5. ViciousBiscuit

    IP camera's and remote viewing

    Thanks for the info, have another question lol. Have noticed some camera's state they have a substream, is this the stream that can be viewed online? Usually its lower resolution Thanks and sorry for all the questions.