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Everything posted by Bramshaw

  1. Bramshaw

    Help Please - PTZ protocol question

    We have also had the same infuriating problem with our SCP-3120 VH PTZ cameras. WE were told a number of things as above and that Pelco D could control them etc etc, that the digital flip switch could reverse the picture which it can't, you could adjust colour which you can't, etc etc so to make things short I will paste a reply from the company that Samsung have outsourced all their technical queries to. If anyone can prove me wrong about the pelco-D protocol I would love to hear from you. All an all Samsung is an extremely poor company to deal with, very little customer support and it seems the staff have no knowledge as to who does what in the company. ---------------------------------------- Quote: I forwarded this question to our senior technician and get reply as below: Firstly, Samsung SCP-3120VH PTZ camera has a digital flip function. But this is for the tilt range 100-185. If you have to install the camera upside down, you can turn off the digital flip but user have to use tilt range between 100 to 185. Secondly, if you want to go into the OSD menu of the Samsung cameras, you need Samsung controller or Samsung DVR. Thirdly, when you used the Samsung controller, it has to work correctly. If it didn't, you better bring the camera and controller to supplier and test with them. Thanks and regards, Ausecom Electronics Security & IT Specialists Address: Suite 78, 89-97 Jones St, Ultimo NSW 2007, Sydney, Australia Phone: +612 9212 1888 Fax: +612 9211 1305 Web: http://www.ausecom.com.au end quote ----------------------------------------