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  1. For a while I have been using the Web interface to access my DVR live feed and manage DVR functions for my KPD604. However, recently, I started getting a "Disconnect" message at the top of the Web screen and have no idea when or why this started. I have been viewing it through IE8 on Windows 7 for a while, with no significant changes lately except installing the usual Microsoft security updates. I get the same message on my similarly configured laptop, as well. I even updated to the very latest firmware and changed the local IP of the machine to force IE to reset and re-install the codecs/dll files, but still no luck. The only way I can view or manage my DVR via the Web interface (this is all local, by the way, not trying to do anything remotely) is to switch to the QuickTime option, but this always takes many seconds and stalls my browser in the meantime. I would like to get back to using the default MPEG4 codec. Any ideas? Everything on the DVR itself seems to be working fine. Of course I have tried unplugging it, etc., but nothing works.