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  1. Hey, thanks for everyones help --- I did exactly hook up to 6vdc and it works? I would rather be lucky than smart>>>
  2. What sense does this make if any -- I connected each terminal of several independent lights with anywhere from 5vdcto 12vdc and none glowed?
  3. Well, that is the light you show sort of the light I have but mine is round with 48 bulbs ---I did the cam thing you reccommended and -- nothing -- I don't see how I blew the unit since I started a 5vdc then 7.5 ect up to 17vdc with no results?
  4. Thanks, that I indeed do---total darkness--- I suppose it is possible I just recieved 2 defective units?
  5. Perhaps I am missing something --- I assumed the light worked independently and the only thing need was to supply power to it, independent of the cam?
  6. Thanks for the reply and I have tried up to 17vdc with no results.
  7. I ordered 2 -- 48 led IR light units to mount outside of my (dome inclosed) ip cam because of the glare that the lights on the cam create makes it impossible to use the cam at night. I can block out the lights on the cam so the glare should be eleminated. THIS BE MY PROBLEM: When I plug in the EXTERNAL IR lights to around 5v DC I get nothing or no ilumination of the bulbs. My assumption was that I could simply provide a power source to the lights and they would just illuminate. Doesn't happen -- any help is greatly appreicated.