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Nick W

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Everything posted by Nick W

  1. Hi I have this system. I am trying to record but it wont let me. I press the record button on the remote and it takes me to a screen with id/password. Its never been changed but when I go down to login and press enter on the remote, nothing happens. Am I being thick? Secondly the book says it can only take SATA 1TB HDD max - is this really true, or can I put a larger HDD in? Thanks Nick
  2. Nick W

    VX4SL Recorder Problem

    hi. you need to entre user name and password. user >> admin . password > 111111 Yes but thats what Im saying I dont know HOW to enter it. I have the unit, a monitor and remote. HOW do I enter the name/pw using the remote?
  3. Nick W

    VX4SL Recorder Problem

    I got the manual but I cant get it to login or bring up any other menu..........
  4. Nick W

    VX4SL Recorder Problem

    Hi enter the following.. admin/111111 It already has the user showing as admin and ***** showing has password. But I have no idea how to bring up the keypad as I only have a remote to enter any characters. Thanks Nick