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  1. Hate to show my ignorance but how does the signal emanate from the camera? Does it need to be connected to a PC in order to send the signal over a wireless network?
  2. Had a thought in the middle of the night. There's no reason the camera couldn't be positioned inside the base lodge looking up the hill. That would solve the problems of power supply and cold temperatures. I believe there is a WiFi signal there as well. Here's a shot of the lodge (circled) and the view from below (start of course is out of sight behind circle}. Would I need a zoom on the camera? Assuming I can get a WiFi signal to the start shack how do I get the video stream? Is it web based? And lastly what affordable recommendations do you have? I greatly appreciate your help on this!
  3. Thanks for the detailed response! Now we know what we're up against.
  4. Hi, I hope someone can give me some guidance. I run a ski race program at a mountain in Vermont. This coming season we're moving the course to a different trail. Unfortunately because of a bend in the course and some intervening trees I won't be able to see the lower half of the course from the start shack. I need to make sure the course is clear before sending the next racer. I could place a camera on a lift tower to provide me with a view of the hidden portion of the course. The camera would be less than 100 feet from the shack. It would need to be able to provide a view a few hundred feet in the other direction. The camera would need to be battery operated and would be on constantly in cold temperatures. I could set up a spare XP laptop in the start shack to function as a monitor. At present there is no WiFi signal in the area but that could change. Are there models that act as a transmitter to a USB-based receiver at the computer end? I see sub-$100 security cameras available online. Would one of these be appropriate for what I need? I greatly appreciate your input!