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Posts posted by myplace46

  1. Hey ljarrald, sorry to take so long to reply, been having issues with my computer.

    That's pretty amazing about the history on your home! Wow, if only those walls could talk.

    For our 120v household outlets, they pretty much look like this.


    We have several different styles of outlets for 240v depending on amperage and what appliance or machine is being used. here is a few examples.


    hope that helps.



    PS. we even have a 208v standard for some commercial uses. Like my printing press at work, it uses 208v. Don't ask me why, I don't really know.

  2. Yes, definitely different outlets for 120 and 240!

    our 240 is single phase also. three phase is only available in commercial areas because of the expense.

    My house is over 60 years old so, the original wiring has been redone. I got the house in 06 and have done a lot of remodeling and rewiring myself.

    the first thing I did when I bought the house was update the service to a 200amp box. For the 120v, some of the circuits are 15amp most are 20.

    I ran two separate 240v lines to my shop into sub-panels with 20amp 120v and 50 amp 240v and 60amp 240v for my welder and lathe/milling machine.


  3. Hi ljarrald,

    Well yeah, kinda. Most of the household is run on 120-130v

    If you have electric heat, that along with an elect cook stove and close dryer,

    could all be 240v and like out it the shop things like my table-saw, mig welder and 5hp

    commercial air compressor are all 240v.


  4. Thanks for the response, guys.

    Yeah, I agree on the 240v birdman. would come in handy sometimes.

    I ran two separate 120v 20amp circuits form the breaker box into my computer room

    Plus the original 15amp from when the house was built. also running an UPS and 5 power strips.

    Jason, is that a server rack I see in the background? I'd love to get my hands on one. Just don't want to

    pay for it, though!

  5. It might be worth trying a "T" type BNC connector at the TV, with a 75 Ohm terminator on it, I've found some TV's have a very high impedance input compared to standard CCTV gear, causing issues.



    I'll give that a shot and see what happens.

    I've tried 4 different TV's 3 HD LCD's and an old 32" CRT. all pretty much the same results.

  6. Just found an old treasure...

    I forgot I even had this. I bought it about 17 years ago when I was into videogaphy.

    It allows you to check your cables for shorts, opens and continuity. comes in real handy

    for testing all sorts of cables.186036_1.jpg

    Just thought it'd be fun to share.


    While I'm at it... thought I'd do a little survey.

    In your man space, control room , computer room or whatever you call it, how many electric outlets

    do you have and how many are being used?

    I have 40.

    30 in use all the time.

    6 are blocked from use by wall-warts.

    4 are free.



  7. Hey Matt,

    Yeah, I went and ordered a 232 to 485 converter.

    Then I realized I don't have a 232 port on my computer! my MB is so "advanced" it only has USB, SATA and firewire I/O ports.

    And of course, PCIe expansion slots so I can't use my old PCI cards either. I just ordered a USB to rs232 converter.

  8. OK, new update...

    I had a couple baluns on hand so, I decided to try them.

    Much better but, still a bit of ghost only, now its side to side, before it was up & down.

    Anyway, wish I had known about baluns before, I would have run all my cams that way and saved some money.

  9. Fingers crossed that does it. How's that ptz up on your custom pole doing for you in general?


    Hey Shock,

    over all, I love it! I can read the stop sign a block and a half away (even with a blurry image) as soon as I get things working properly I'll post some images. I also just got my Pelco pan tilt unit installed with my 8-80mm motorized lens and that's working real well too.

    I just got home from work and found my DVR has gone on the fritz! Oh well, that gives me a good excuse to buy that hybrid unit I've been wanting. seems if it weren't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any at all.

    Have a great week end,


  10. Well...

    I did a little research on line and now I'm 99% certain I have 50 ohm connectors.

    I just ordered a box of 100 75 ohm so, as soon as they come I'll start changing them out.

    I'll let y'all know how that works out.



  11. Hi guys,

    Sorry to take so lone to get back, been real busy.

    I'm grateful for all the feedback.

    I finally got around to connecting my cams without the DVR in the mix... no luck there.

    Next step is to try new BNC connectors. Its a two man job to safely take down the camera

    I'm having the biggest problem with so, I have to wait for some help.

    I looked at some BNC connectors at Home Depot today but, there is nothing to indicate if they are 50 or 75 ohm...

    anybody have a favorite supplier?


  12. Maybe this is speaking more towards the dvr itself. What dvr is it? If this is a problem across the board the whole time and you're just catching up to it because of zooming- it could very well be the dvr, no? And what monitor are you using?


    Hey Shock,

    Yeah, could well be. I just haven't had the time to check it out further.

    I was waiting for payday to pick up some 75 ohm BNC connectors and try running a cable strait to my monitor to see if there was any improvement.

    I'm using a 32" HDTV for my monitor, is that acceptable?



  13. LOL! You're biggest worry would be an uptight neighbor. Nothing really gets noticed until one prick decides THEY are gonna rule the block, or people just complain about possible privacy infringement. Paint it quickly so it doesn't stick out. Good luck. Really slick that is.


    Yeah, you're right. So far I have gotten a lot of strange looks from people going by but, no problems yet.

  14. Well...

    That sounds disappointing. although, if that is the problem it will be easy enough to fix.

    I'm curious though why it would be OK at first then degrade later? Oh well.

    I still haven't had a chance to check things out by connecting directly to the monitor yet, its

    not as easy with my set up as one might think.
