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Posts posted by myplace46

  1. Have you verified that your cable and BNC connectors are rated for 75ohms? I bought a pack of 40 BNC compression connectors off of ebay awhile back and found out the hard way after the install was done that I had a similar issue. As it turned out, my BNC's weren't rated for 75 ohms...


    On a side note, are they bullet/dome cams with IRs or box cams using IR illuminators? You said it was fine and came back a couple of hours later and it was a bit blurry? Was it daylight when it was fine and darker outside when they were blurry? If so could be an issue of focus shift with the cameras not having IR corrected lenses.


    Hey Dave,

    That's a really good question. How would I find out? I got these BNC connectors several years ago when we moved into a new location at work.

    I went through the building and collected about a hundred of them that were left from the previous occupants. Its what they used for there computer network system.

    As for the cams, I have a variety of box cams plus the one PTZ dome. Its a Toshiba IK-DP30.

    Lighting isn't an issue. I've played around with focus and iris to no avail. At first I thought it might be the camera but realized it a problem across the board. I'm starting to question if it might be the signal passing through my DVR... I guess the best way to check that would be to hook it up directly to my monitor. I'll do that and let you know what I find out.



  2. Looks cool, but I'm not all too sure I'd get away with something so close to the road in these parts. Gotta be some kind of code on that one here. Really cool install though!


    Hey Shock,

    It might be here too... I have a tendency to do these things and plead ignorance if I get caught.

    However, its part of the mail box, and that has to be where it is so, hopefully it won't be a problem.

  3. Hey guys,

    the other day after I finished up installing one of my cameras, I was very pleased with the IQ. I was really surprised I could

    read the street sign on the corner a block away when I zoomed in. Then a couple hours later I came back, and

    the image was a bit blurry. When I zoomed in I could see a definite ghosting in the image. This seems to be across the board on all my cameras but, shows up more on cameras where I can zoom in. Previously, I just thought that was the best I could expect form analog cams but now I can see there must be another problem. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.



  4. nice and neat job John. like the idea of turning it into a mail box ......... make a good living selling your pole on ebay.


    we have a big job in a week or so in manchester 32 ptz cameras and a pole not far of yours is £700 is needed for each camera. ( how much to ship to UK)



    Ha, Thanks Tom. I have about $20 in the pole and fittings. Just started out with 4' PVC pipe filled it up with concrete to the first joint. Makes

    for a sturdy post. Of course I ran a 3/4' pipe down the inside to run my wiring through. I have no patten on this so you're more that welcome to copy it if you wish.

    The little ceder box behind the mail box also holds a mini cam with a view of the front of the house.


  5. Some of you may remember a couple months back when I was looking for a pendant dome that I could use with my newly

    purchased PTZ dome cam. Well I finally got it all together, installed and working nicely. I can see quite nicely down the street foe a good block in each direction plus scan my yard and driveway. even managed to put up some lighting to aid the night vision a little.

    Thought yo might like to see what it looks like for now, I do plan on painting it.




  6. Well, a little good news....

    I downloaded a software app that managed to find my camera and show video on my computer.

    Still couldn't get anywhere with the NVR program though.

    I sent an email to Ganz seeking help and made contact with a gent that's going to call me

    tomorrow and talk me through getting set up so, I'm a happy camper!

    A big thank you to everyone for all your suggestions. Hope to have some better news tomorrow.



  7. Does you IP camera come with an IP Camera Utility tool in which it would pick up the IP of the camera regardless if its on the same Gateway as your router. i am wondering if the NVR software is not picking it up because it may not be on the same Gateway as your router. You may have to discover it with the camera utility tool and then change the Gateway to match your router. Or change the camera to DHCP and then it would automatically match up to your gateway.



    Hey Sean,

    That's a possibility. I'm going to have to do some reading up on how these things work, I'm really clueless.

  8. hi. can your software find the cameras if you plug 1 at a time direct into PC. and not router ??



    Ummm... Tom, I guess I'm not as sharp as the average bear...

    I'm not sure how to go about it. I tried disconnecting my router and just plugging the camera into my Ethernet port but,

    I didn't have any luck there. Can you give me an idea how to do this?



  9. Hooked up one of the cams via the cat5 cable to the router.


    How are you powering the cameras?



    Camera is hooked up with 24v power supply.

    Still not having any luck. I'm beginning to think I have a problem with my computer.

    Last week I tried to log in to my DVR and got a "log in failure" and haven't been able to access it since.

    tomorrow I'm bringing my laptop home from work and will try using that one to see if I have any better luck.

  10. hi John. with the ganz software disk you should have on it a prog called ip discovery tool. you can loads it from ganz uk site if its not on disk.



    Hey Tom,

    The software I got from Ganz, (CBC America) its a one click install and won't let me view or select individual programs.

    it does start a camera device search but, doesn't detect any cameras. I went to the UK site and tried a couple downloads there but struck out there too.

    I'm wondering if I'm missing something. Like... am I expecting my computer to do something that it can't do without some additional hardware?

    I kinda feel like a big dummy here.

  11. Or Dahua? Great standalone dvr with all the bellz and whistles or possible hybrid for future expansion Aver 1004H,8H or 16H?


    Yes, I have considered them and I still am, I just don't have the cash right now and I can pick up a used DX series DVR really cheap. Plus, it will integrate with my other Pelco gear quite nicely.
