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Posts posted by myplace46

  1. Nice cam, I picked up a Ultrak Honeywell KD6i High Speed PTZ off ebay for $50 bucks and it works great.

    Your Toshiba looks similar to a costar, Nelly's surplus may have a dome for your cam that is for a Costar that you may be able to get to work.






    Thanks Rick, I'll check that out.


  2. IP is the transport protocol a network camera uses. The term is often used interchangeably with "MP" (megapixel), but you're correct, an IP camera isn't necessarily megapixel. Many manufacturers have lower-resolution (such as VGA, or 640x480) cameras that use IP rather than NTSC/PAL analog signals to send their video.


    There are some advantages to this, particularly if you're already using a number of IP cameras but need some advantages of a few lower-resolution cameras (better low-light performance, lower cost, etc.), but for the most part, IP is used primarily because analog video has a limit to the resolution it allows.


    Thank you Matt, That's what I thought.

    I appreciate you helping figure through all this maze.


  3. Well, I don't know the laws over there but from reading other post here, I think you have more leeway than you think.

    I'd check it out with a lawyer to be sure but I believe you have every right to record over your boundary as long as you aren't invading there personal privacy like through the window or such. what someone does out in public view is fair game.

    Good luck to you and please let us know how it goes. I hate people that bully other folk just because they think they can get away with it.



  4. they are pretty good!


    i wish i was still at school... they got a 2000+ camera cctv system installed (over 500 of them PTZ) the year after i left

    i know a student there who is also interested in cctv and they let him play about with stuff... i suggested to him to suggest to them using the alarm inputs and...

    guess what he got to spend a week doing instead of lessons


    That's pretty cool, for your friend. you guys remind me of myself when I was in high school, I was always into doing stuff the other kids didn't care about.

  5. I could sit here and play with it for hours.


    Hi john lets get back to your PTZ


    how have you got on with finding a encloser for your camera ??


    ptz are good wait till you start to learn alarm and sensor trigger they get even better and are good for home use.


    Hey Tom, still looking for an enclosure, I can't believe they want more for the pendant housing than I paid for the camera!

    I'm considering buying a generic one and adapting it to work with my cam.

    Yeah, I'm looking into getting my camera system and alarm system working together... all I need is a little more time and a lot more money!



  6. Hey guys,

    I just had to express my joy regarding my Toshiba IK-DP30A PTZ camera I got last month.

    I hadn't done anything with it because I didn't have a housing for it. Well today I decided to hook it up temporarily in my carport

    just to see what it will do. Well, I'm amazed, the IQ is better than any of my cams and being able to adjust the PTZ, iris and focus

    all with my mouse, is really a blast! I could sit here and play with it for hours.

    Anyway, now I see why these things cost so much. Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention. because of a medical condition, I some times have a problem

    with the feelings in my hands and often fumble things. well as I was working on putting up the cam... I dropped it... on the concrete... head first.

    well, after recovering from a mild heart attack, I checked it out... only damage was a slight crack in the plastic dome head, everything works great!

    What a relief.

  7. for my 'back door camera' i have opted to put a camera indoors looking at the back door.

    i would like the camera to be fully zoomed in on the door when the house is unoccupied or the occupiers are asleep (to catch detailed face shots of intruders) but in the day i would like the camera to be zoomed out so that it acts as an overview of the kitchen because... why not?


    i am going to use a relay output from my intruder alarm so that if the system is set or part set the camera will fully zoom in to the door an when it is unset the camera zooms all the way out.


    i do not wan't to use a PTZ purely because of the fact i can't afford one (unless one of you has one going cheap) so i thought i may aswell use a box cam like the type in old style PTZs. they have RS-485 in to control the zoom which is what i need.


    can anyone recommend a camera? i need it to be as cheap as possible (but not ****e image quality) and i do not mind buying second hand/from ebay.


    thanks in advance...


    I'm sending you a PM

  8. An Avigilon 16MP camera (4264 x 3248) will set you back about 8k for the camera and about 10k for a lens. Then you have to have the network and computer to handle it.


    So, your saying all I need to get a camera that will do the job I want it to is only going to set me back 18k.

    Sure, no problem......... just as soon as I cash in my Lotto ticket... let's see, where did I put that... hmmm its gotta be here somewhere...


    Avigilon's Pro-series cameras use a full 35mm sensor and Canon EF-mount lenses... 10k would get you into the super-telephoto L-series zooms, for sure, but you can certainly do much more cost-effective lenses


    Yeah, I understand the cost of DSLR gear, especially the lenses! Wish I could use some of my old ones on a couple of my cctv cams.

    I saw one lens I'd love to have for my nature photo work, a Sigma 400-1000mm. you can pick one up for a mere $30,000. But that's only

    half the problem... you have to be able to handle a 35lb lens!


  9. Well a pelco spectra costs about 2k so for 600 (1k after cam and lens ) that one would seem like a steal. Most business won't care about the controller because the installer will set a pattern and leave it at that.



    May be so, still seams like a lot of extra work but, depending on the situation... could work out.

  10. What protocol does it use? If it uses Pelco D or P, you can use it on a DVR no doubt. Does it use a proprietary controller that came with the camera? Does it use an RS-485 connection or a multi pin connection. If it uses a multi pin connection and as long as the connections are labeled "Pan" "Tilt" "Left" "Right" "Up" "down" then you can use a little decoder board to make it an RS-485 connection to use with your DVR.


    Sean, its made to use a Pelco MPTV1510 controller or equivalent. It sends 24vac through 4 different wires ( and one common) depending on how you work the joystick, left-right-up-down.

    I figured there was probably a controller interface like you describe that would allow me to use the DVR but at the moment, its not really necessary not to mention, my budget is depleted.


  11. I could set it up via my PC's USB port and watch live view all day long with no problems as long as I had battery power. Anyway, long story short, I need to win the lottery...


    What was the resolution?


    An Avigilon 16MP camera (4264 x 3248) will set you back about 8k for the camera and about 10k for a lens. Then you have to have the network and computer to handle it.


    I'm really not sure what the resolution would have been, guess I just assumed it was using the whole 14.6.

    So, your saying all I need to get a camera that will do the job I want it to is only going to set me back 18k.

    Sure, no problem......... just as soon as I cash in my Lotto ticket... let's see, where did I put that... hmmm its gotta be here somewhere...

  12. I've got some Sony DC54A cams; same thing but with a slightly different feature set. It's a great camera from its day, and they were pricey back then ($700 or so new). It'll perform very well with a good lens, and is pretty flexible for old-school analog, with a variety of auto exposure spots selectable, for instance.


    However, it's not a true day/night camera, so if you need night performance, you'll need good lighting. it's pretty good in low light due to the 1/2" ccd, but would be marginal for LPR if the conditions aren't ideal (true of most analog cams).


    I recently replaced mine with a lower-end 1MP IP cam (Vivotek IP8332), and the daytime performance is dramatically better, as would be expected. License plates are far easier to read (though I'm not using it for that specifically). Nighttime performance on the IP8332 isn't good for that, though, as the noise and resolution suffer at night, and the built-in IR washes out the numbers due to the IR reflection from the plate body. Plus, it's a good bit more expensive than a used DC50/54 should be.


    Thanks MaxIcon. I really appreciate the feedback!

    I'm now resigned to the fact that I'm going to change out all my cams to IP cams one by one, as I can afford it. shouldn't take more than... 5-6 years.


  13. If that blows your mind then you should see when you have five or six PTZs all hooked up in serial off that same cable pair


    Yeah, you're right Umbru. although, once I got it hooked up and running I saw how it worked, I have a better understanding of how its done.

  14. Nice don't think pelco even still makes those they push their spectra dome's pretty exclusively for a PTZ solution these days. Pelco's stuff is usually pretty user friendly so it shouldn't be hard to hook up will use the Pelco D format by default and if its the only PTZ you have hooked up to your dvr shouldn't even have to do any set up. Let me know if it does give you problems though I still have a lot of old Pelco manuals laying around.


    Umbru, This one one is old school, can't control through the DVR, only with a separate controller.

    If anyone here has one they want to get rid of, let me know. They do still make these, you can even get these through Sears. Not sure why anyone would want to go this route if they were putting together a system from scratch with new product, it wouldn't be practical cost wise or from a technology standpoint. this unit as you see it cost over $600 new and you still have to buy the controller starting @ $250 plus a camera and lens that's compatible with the control system. ie: lens focus, zoom and iris control. Then there is the cabling from controller to the camera, it uses a 20 conductor cable plus 120 volt power to the pan tilt unit.



  15. Great purchase, I WANT ONE too!


    Actually, I found this one on eBay. If I see another one, I'll let you know. I was the only bidder so I got it cheap.

    I think people were a bit leery of it because it stated it was un-tested and sold as "parts or repair"

    I figured it was worth $25 even if it didn't work but, I was pleased that it does!


  16. Even your 14MP DSLR will only do 1080p video (of those that do video). How fast can you shoot, continuously? My Canon 40D (using JPEG-Fine at full res) will do 6fps for a few seconds, but has to stop to clear the buffer after that.


    Fact is, getting steady video out requires a very different design philosophy than snapping a series of stills. It has to be optimized for various transport methods, efficiency of storage, constant streaming without buffering... think of how fast you'd fill up your SD card shooting 14MP images at 30fps (IF your camera could handle it).


    Hey Soundy,

    I understand that to some degree but, not completely.

    The Canon 40 D is a nice little camera, takes great photos. My dream camera is the 5D MkII. Soon as I come up with a few extra dollars! Before my house got broken into, I had a Pentax K-20d. it didn't shoot video but, I could set it up via my PC's USB port and watch live view all day long with no problems as long as I had battery power. Anyway, long story short, I need to win the lottery...


  17. its good but why type in bold? its annoying.


    Well, LJarrald. When you get to be my age and your eyes get as poor as mine...

    you'll understand. I'm sorry if I annoyed you but, perhaps you could explain

    why that is. I really don't understand. I can understand typing in all caps is a bit bothersome

    because that should be done only if you're trying to make a POINT or SHOUTING!


    when things are in bold they are harder (for me) to read, the characters seem more jumbled up and closer together


    Well... OK. Just for you, since you're such a cool kid, I'll quit using bold type.

  18. when you buy a standalone dvr, you're also pledging to use their proprietary software. usually, there are no alternatives.


    as you've found out, there's a whoooooole lot more to the picture when selecting a DVR other than price and spec sheets.


    what's the make/ model dvr?


    Yeah, you'd think I'd learn not to try to skimp on technology.

    Its a no name 8ch DVR made in China.

    I wouldn't have anything against this software if it would actually work. one of the problems is after playing back prerecorded video for a while

    it just quits. plus, if I open the program called "view cams" it won't let me save my device after I set it up in "Device manager" once I close it out the next time I

    open it, I have to set it up all over again. That and I still can't get the email function to work. If you have any suggestions, I'm listening...


