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Everything posted by Howsie

  1. Hello all, I'd like to start by complementing you on the quality of information and the friendliness of the site. It's refreshing! I have purchased a GEOVISION GV800 card which I intend to use at home. I believe, from research and information I have found here that this will be more than enough for my requirements. These are: Front Door: A camera which will allow me to project the image, via the GV card to the TV's in the house as and when required. Over Garage: A camera to monitor the drive and capture any movement within a fixed zone. Rear of house: A camera mounted to the rear of the house, perhaps at roof height that will capture activity in the garden. Close proximity rear: A camera which will allow me to monitor the rear kitchen and patio doors. Ideally I'd like to utilise some tracking features of the card but I'm unclear as how to do this in the most efficient manner. I'd like some suggestions on which cameras would be most appropriate and perhaps some constructive criticisms on my set up. Please bear in mind that I'm a complete novice! Thanks!