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  1. Hi, My DVR hard drive died and I am stuck with 2 x A-logics AM-7416 capture boards. I looked everywhere for the driver with no luck. The only thread that addressed this isthis one: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=24665 refering to http://www.eyemaxdvr.com/scripts/quickdownload.asp none of the mentioned downloads had a driver in it. Please help as my 32 cameras are currently down. If anyone has a link to the driver please provide here or you can also email it to ah5836@yahoo.com as an attachement. Thank you.
  2. thefarmer

    AM-7416 Driver help

    Hi Thanks for the information. I have the same board and the same issue. Which version did you use? any server version will contain the driver? pls provide more specific info I did not test it yet, I am waiting to buy the hard drive. Thanks again.