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Everything posted by hooty

  1. Is it normal for the PTZ presets to only store postion and not the zoom level?
  2. hooty

    PTZ presets

    Thanks Tim Its an Ebay purchase shipped from China. Near as I can tell its made by a company named Aony. The decoder is model CLG-DS05. The only ID on the box camera is a sticker with DEP on it. It is 27X optical zoom. Based on your info, I assume I have a missmatch between the decoder and the box camera. I believe it is set for Sony. Choices are NORMAL , CNB CNB-M , LG , LG-M , LG-C china , HITRON , SANSUUNG , SONY , HITACHI , LS and SANYO . Which would you sugest? I needed to know that somthing was not right before I climbed up the 70ft tower in Dec, in Ontario and start playing with dip switches.