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Everything posted by Zohan

  1. Any opinions on CNB IP Cams? Specifically the IVC5055VR dome? http://www.cnbtec.com/en/html/product/product.php?seqx_prod=1340
  2. the software looks good, but the cam i linked to looks like a funky installation with all the pieces
  3. Vivotek ip8352 or Acti tcm-1231 Which one , why?
  4. Excellent post. So the WDR on the 1231 is not up to snuff?
  5. Zohan

    Advise Please

    What about cnb LDL-24vf http://www.cnbusa.com/en/html/product/product.php?seqx_prod=1163
  6. That's exactly what I needed to know, thank you. Sounds like what I was expecting, I can get through that, I just wasn't sure of any other surprises...
  7. i understand....hoping not too much else....and hoping they come with good directions....my networking skills are mediocre.... using 5 acti tcm-1231 cams
  8. No what I mean is all the network settings, ip address, etc...basically will the cameras feed their video to the dvr without doing any of the internal network settings within the camera?
  9. Zohan

    Quick question about switches

    Just looked it up it's 63 miles
  10. Thanks BW, I appreciate the offer, but I can't use anything more than 1.3 or 2 mp cams as I'm using aver hybrid dvrs...zoom/autofocus would be great though.....you have a good point about the backplate issue
  11. Acti ACM-5611 box cam 1.3 mp Acti TCM-5611 box cam 1.3mp I think only differance is the tcm has h.264, but how important is that....I know thats an open question but i need opinions.... below are ip bullet cams Acti acm-1231 Acti tcm-1231 how do these analog box cams compare CNB-BBM-24F or EQ610A EverFocus
  12. Zohan

    Quick question about switches

    Here is one from this morning
  13. Yes, that is what makes that kit so cool.....still 5-6 weeks out from hitting my distributor
  14. Zohan

    Quick question about switches

    Thanks WG...I always like to check real world experience against "the book" I know you got game, so I appreciate the help... Bandwidth with 3 acti tcm-1231 , 1280x1024, mpeg4 codec (no choice for h.264), 8fps, bitrate of 2.5m, recording on motion 24/7 at 50%....is 7.5 mbps...so looks like im ok, even with fluctuation
  15. Zohan

    Quick question about switches

    Soundy....revised plan.....only 2 1.3 mp cams on house and 3 on garage....cameras connect to switch which will connect to aver hybrid dvr and also router....thinking of using this switch, one each , garage / house http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833156229&nm_mc=OTC-Froogle&cm_mmc=OTC-Froogle-_-Network+-+Switches-_-Trendnet-_-33156229 opinion?
  16. Yup....but in a nice size and belt case..... do you have a recommendation for a different one?
  17. Thanks....What good is a camera if it is unreliable.....i'm going with acti....plus it has this tool coming out which I cant wait to get... http://www.acti.com/product/detail/Camera_Installation_Kit/PMON-1001 Seems like the only bad things anyone has said about the tcm-1231 is before it has been set up properly....
  18. Think I decided on acti.....looking for a good camera in that price range...good picture day and night, easy set up...
  19. How many of you guys buy varifocal ip cams vs. fixed? I have always used varifocal analog cams because it gives me options... With ip cams is it necessary, because there is better resolution to begin with? They are also a couple hundred more per cam... Opinions?
  20. Anyone have experience with this http://www.acti.com/product/detail/Bullet_Camera/TCM-1231 Potential client wants 3, they will be mounted, 2 on garage facing driveway and alleyway to backyard and 1 on side of house, lawn area. My concern is the brickwork on driveway and alleyway reflecting back the IR. Cams will be mounted approx. 12' high. Client does not want box/enclosure with separate IR in these locations.... So how does this cam perform related to the IR, does it have any 'intelligent' system to adjust ir if someone gets close...? Just looking for as much info as possible thanks
  21. Yup, geovision is not out of the running, it doesnt play nice with the aver hybrid dvr... i have been looking at acti but a little more $, and not sure it has the features i need in that price range....but you get what you pay for i might have to go that route