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  1. hi, sorry my english i speak spanish exist any can give me a hand please, need config this dvr but is a really pain in the ass the config, my model have 3g, i need see the gps in live and supossed i can see the cameras live too, some can give me a hand? very thanks i put a image for see
  2. polerax

    mobile dvr

    if is possible delete this thread please, i find the error in my config, thanks
  3. polerax

    instalation great distance

    i make my test the weekend and buy this balun all run perfectly, thanks whit this balun is possible give power to the camera in this distance? i try but the power lost
  4. polerax

    mobile dvr

    sorry i dont see that but i have questions over a specific model, is the reason i ask for some whit experience, but thanks for the search chain
  5. polerax

    mobile dvr

    some have experience in mobile dvr? i have various questions please
  6. polerax

    instalation great distance

    If an electric socket (220v) near to the camera is impossible, I recommend to lead 220VAC by separated power cable of 0.75mm2 and place the power supply of 12VDC near to the camera. To return color try to use better twisted pair active transmitter and receiver with adjusting correction. in this moment i try to put the energy separate power, no problem, but the image? 800m image what is better, utp or rg59? to return color i can use active baluns for each side,1 in the dvr and 1 in the camera, this correct my color image lost?
  7. polerax

    instalation great distance

    and what cable you recommended? maybe siames cable?
  8. polerax

    instalation great distance

    camera is a IR 700 tvl bullet for exteriors, i test balun today, is possible be this, and what cable is better for 800m of distance? thanks
  9. polerax

    instalation great distance

    in this moment i try to speak whit the client for put a electric point (220v) for use a 12v power supply for the camera, i think the client tell me yes, but if he tell me no is a big problem, and the utp whit and black image, what is the reason?
  10. polerax

    instalation great distance

    i have problems wiht test whit my cable, i try to install 800m of utp whit active baluns in extrems, test whit battery of 12V and 5A and dont work, then test energy directly in the camera and only video over utp and the camera stay in white and black how i can make this work correctly? i buy this camera, but in this moment test whit a little camera http://www.sanan-cctv.com/en/products/PIXIM-Series_SA-1523P.html and second, i think install this cameras in the exterior, 700tvl and the IR distance, what is better, box camera or this bullet, the bullet i buy whit a 2.8mm lens? please give me a hand thanks (sorry my english i speak spanish)