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  1. MFallJr

    Multiplexer Question

    All the equipment (minus the televisions) are existing equipment that were not being utilized. Prior to me getting this store it was ALL running off of VHS recordings. I updated it to the 16 camera PC DVR. I do not have the capability of asking for/purchasing another DVR as it all needs to be approved through corporate. The retail company I work for does not dish out a lot of money for CCTV equipment so I figured with what I had I could make something a little bit better. With the 9" monitors gone I will have more space, the capability to add/run more cameras and be able to trade the monitors with another store for other equipment if needed. I am pretty much a self taugh CCTV tech for lack of a better term so when it comes down to the details of things I always have questions so I can learn more. Thats what is great about this forum. Once I figure out this power supply issue my system will be far greater advanced that it was when I first arrived. I hope that answers your question!
  2. MFallJr

    Multiplexer Question

    Just now realized you were referring to the televisions. My team has recovered well over 30k in merchandise in the past 11 months my SGM is ok with me grabbing a couple $230 TV's and store using them.
  3. MFallJr

    Multiplexer Question

    Nothing I am doing is really at a cost other than the power supplies. I already had/have the multiplexers and am trying to eliminate all the 9" monitors stacked on top of one another in my camera room. I have run out of space to add cameras to my store because I have nowhere to connect the feed too. That being said I do have a PC DVR that 16 cameras record on 24/7 and the multiplexers will be recording onto a VCR on a 6 hour loop (antiquated I know). I am trying to make the best of a situation I have been handed. Eliminating the 9"'s will free up alot of space in the camera room and adding 16 channel multiplexers will also allow for the ability to add additional cameras.
  4. MFallJr

    Multiplexer Question

    http://www.mini-box.com/24w-12v-2A-AC-DC-Power-Adapter Think that would do the trick? I really appreciate the help. I bought a power supply from radio shack the other day and it did not work, I tried the power supply from another multiplexer and it worked fine. I spent 3 hours yesterday disconnecting and removing 9" monitors only to have the power not work. Needless to say I was not happy. Thanks again!
  5. MFallJr

    Multiplexer Question

    Ok so I have 3 RV2216-30 Multiplexers. The plan is to use these to eliminate all of my 9" monitors and replace them with 3, 26" screens. I work in a retail store and will be store using televisions for this project. Unfortunately the Multiplexers I was able to aquire from other stores did not come with power supplies or cabling to connect to the screens. I tried google but does anyone know where I can order these parts from? It looks like a 12V power supply and I am unsure what kind of cabling I will need to hook up to a TV. Thanks.
  6. MFallJr

    Multiplexer Question

    A DVR is out of the question/budget. I currently have only one multiplexer to spare I didn't know if there was like a RGB connection for the TV with cables that splice off into BNC connections if that makes any sense?
  7. Hey guys new to the forum... is there a way to splice multiple video feeds onto a screen (26 inch screen) without the use of a multiplexer device? Currently my CCTV system has individual camera feeds into 9 inch monitors and I would like to eliminate them by adding a few 26 inch screens. Thanks in advance.