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  1. Yeah - I've heard the same concerns about satelite internet. I'm looking at WB, but haven't signed up yet It's a cabin I use only on the weekends - about once a month. I mainly want the internet so I can remote monitor the cabin, so I don't want to sign up if it won't work the cabin is in Southern Utah - 12 miles from the nearest town or ISP. I don't even get cell reception out there, so 3G/4G isn't an optino. I make my own power (solar and battery), so any system I end up using needs to be power minimal. I'm new to the whole remote system monitoring, so I'm not sure what the best option is to make it work. Primarily I want something that can take periodic pictures during the day (predetermined times and whenever motion is detected) and save the pictures on a local hardrive connected to the monitoring network. I want the ability to log in once every few days to view the pictures. I'd also like the ability to view live video feed once a week, if possible, for a minute or two. Given those specs/desired uses, I'm open to any suggestions regarding the best way to make this work. Any benefits to analog CCTV (I assume with a local DVR) over webcams with a local harddrive connected to the router? As I said, I'm fairly new to this technology, and am looking for suggestions on the best way to make this work. I'm trying to do all the homework I can before making any purchases. Thanks
  2. Would the DVR approach still give me the ability to remotely view live video at times when I wanted to ?
  3. I have a few real general questions that I'm hoping youa ll can give me some direction on. I have a remote, off-grid cabin where I want to install some network cameras to monitor the place remotely. However, the remoteness makes this complicated. I'll be signing up for Satelite internet, and power the cabin with a solar panel & battery system that runs while I'm not there. My goal is to use 3 Panasonic BL-C201A wired IP network cameras. Here are my questions: 1 - I would like to wire the cameras using a wired router - is it possilble set the cameras to record still images (every X minutes, or whenver movement occurs) to a hard drive attached to the router. There will be no camera connected to the system when I'm not there - can a hard drive be attached to the network/router and have each camera record the images to the drive? 2 - If the above structure works, I want to be able to remotely (over the internet) view the pictures recorded to the network drive. Will that work? 3 - Because I'm forced to use satelite internet (only option), I am very limited on uploading capabilities (limited memory), so I don't want the cameras to automatically stream video up to the internet. Can they be configured to only upwards stream when I want to view/monitor the cameras live? I'll likely only want to view live video feed 1-2 a week for a few seconds, so as to not exceed the FAP memory upload restrictions from the satelite ISP. As you can tell by my questions, I'm a bit clueless on where to turn to design this system for my needs. Hopefully my questions are clear. Any advice/direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!