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Everything posted by Firefighter

  1. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Got your pm. I was looking at a few different gadspots. I like their 700 tvl smart ir with osd menu. I havnt bought any of them yet...
  2. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    No name. Just for knowing if someone walked through the basement door and stuff. I'm ordering Gadspot cameras next week when I get paid.
  3. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Well, I know the threads gone down hill. But 4 600 tvl, 1/3" CCD, 48 DB S/N Ratio, 24LED IR Domes just arrived. I'll hook em up and get some screen shots....
  4. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Ok finally figured out how to Correctly Embed the video for ease of watching. So done...
  5. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Haha no, Been full time 2.5 years, vol. 5. Im 23, bought my first home at 22, drive an audi and im engaged. My priorities arent in parties or drinking etc... lol Im an old young guy.
  6. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    PHEW! Got the unboxing video editing done. It's rendering right now in 1080P and has about 20 minutes.... and thats with a custom 8 core computer! Anyway, I'll be linking that video asap!
  7. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Ok thanks, Since they will become indoor cameras I think the smart ir is more important than the osd menu. So if someone comes into the house in the dark, trying to get a good description/facial is most important(if their not wearing masks) So, the GS4030SM is the smart ir $60 with no osd but the GS839SM is the smart ir with osd menu for an extra $40. Which, is almost a camera... I did watch your videos many many times. Nice setup. I'm going to try and make a desicion tonight. Although, I talked to gadspot and they were suppose to demo a few cameras for me. Maybe they'll get to it tomm. ( Demo meaning hook up 3 cameras on their live network so I can see how they look. ) Not gonna lie, I did grab 4 from ebay after offering a seller a cheaper price. I'm not expecting anything nice, Itll be nice to have anyway to add in my videos as comparison views of why theirs a difference. Like I said, Their simply "did someone open and walk through that door" though they should be atleast what my blackbox cameras were. Which if so, will be fine.
  8. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    I'll pass, I'm looking at the Gadspots, and I see a few things. The Smart IR, thats a good feature, But the higher ends don't have Smart IR, they do have an OSD menu though. So it's... Smart IR or No Smart IR but OSD menu....
  9. Firefighter

    DVR upgrade for 19 analog cams??

    ^^ I was going to link the same exact dvr. Can't do the 16CH because you're adding 3 more. So, Grab the 32 and if they then want to add more in the future they already have the quality DVR they need. So all they have to do is add cameras. Yeah, the HD is on its way out quick if it's clicking. It'll hold 7 HD with each a max of 3tb. So you're talking 27tb there. But, I'd rather do 2TB hd's than 3. From my Research, the higher the tb hd the more likely chance for failure. Or, are prone to failure. So, Don't get the "Energy Efficient" those are def more prone to fail over the normal "High Performance" I grabbed my 2TB HD from Best Buy for $150. Can't beat it! (for my pc) and a 1TB for my dvr for $100.
  10. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Link to those cameras specs? I was just thinking about these cheap ass ones 1/3" Cmos, 30 LED, and only $16 SHIPPED http://www.ebay.com/itm/420TVL-CMOS-CCTV-Video-Security-Camera-NTSC-30-LED-/280704159649?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item415b458fa1 Or, 1/3 CCD Sony 36led for $22 Shipped or best offer http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-3-Sony-Color-CCTV-36-LEDS-IR-CCD-Camera-3-6mm-420TVL-/280836940719?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item41632fa3af S/N ratio .48 lux .1 I'm going to offer $15 on the above to purchase 4 of em. But I could also grab some cheap ass 600tvl for $35 that are 1/3 cmos Note: YES I know tvl isn't worth much but I'm buying cheap ass cameras for the sole purpose of "Is there someone there?" So they will work just fine untill I upgrade. Anyway, Link me to the specs of your Qsee and I'll let you know. Thanks, also thanks on the info about running rg59. That def sounds like a plan because I'll be able to run one or two out past the house and point em towards the house getting good coverage
  11. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Question: How far can I run a say the box camera I have and it still be good. 150 ft???? If I can purchase a couple and put them say, one on the carport it would cover the entire back of the house and I wouldn't need 3 for the back which if mounted on the house I do because of its shape
  12. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Alright, my unboxing videos will be uploaded tonight, But I gotta purchase a few cameras. Last night my 10 month old dog whos NEVER "protected" us, doesnt bark, doesnt growl etc... at 4:20am he went nuts, barking and Deep Growling down the hallway towards the basement door. So I grabbed my gun and a light, and cleared the inside of the home. layed back down and it sounded like someone tried opening a window so i had to go out and clear the outside. Needless to say, I gotta purchase a few decent cameras, and a few rly cheap ones for the sole purpose of "Is there someone there" A few $20 420tvl will be enough for like one in the basement to simply tell me, Door open/close or did someone walk by. But I'm gonna go ahead and purchase a 3 Gadspots, which will later be moved inside once I grab some even better cams for outside.
  13. Firefighter

    Need Help Building System for Home

    With the budget it sounds like you have I would do an IP system. Much better than analog. Of course I'll let the other guys chime in, But untill they do.... Whats your complete budget for the entire project? This really is a "You get what you pay for" I would get at least an 8 Camera system.
  14. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Glad you enjoyed the pic and video
  15. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Alright! Got it! Converting it for upload now. Until I get the vid rdy, Heres a Snapshot. 2.8mm lens. Hadn't adjusted the camera settings here yet, so some fine tuning to be done still. The guy in the truck picking up my brush is maybe 40ft away.... to give an idea. VIDEO:
  16. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Currently backing it up to the usb drive. Tho, Mine looks nothing like the pdf you linked me. The only way I can back up, is while in search mode, in the bottom right theres a time. Start/end I put those times in and to the right of those times are a "Save" Icon.... it brings me into a box that shows me usb and being the destination and then a start button. No add, or anything. A bit different.... perhaps I'll have to video that too. Its almost done transferring. It's an hr long of D1 video at 7fps.... almost 1gb
  17. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Thanks, I'll double check and try again. (runs to try it!)
  18. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Interesting because they are all in .avd and .xdv format. I'm sorry to be so much trouble... lol
  19. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Thank you again. You've (and this forum) have helped me SO much. Edit: I must be just completely stupid or unlucky... I have the two files from the dvr. I installed the player, and when I go to open the files through the player it showes there is nothing there... Though I know there are files in the folder. Ugh.
  20. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Yeah I know. I backed it up to a usb drive, got it on my computer and for somereason cant view it. its there.... just in a weird format/ Ill go back and read the manual and re-do it. Sry its takin a week and a half.
  21. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Ok thanks. I just figured since I have one camera right now, Might as well be a higher fps. btw in the morning i'm uploading a sample from a 1hr clip where my city picked up my brush pile... it was 8ft tall and 70ft long. LOL cleared an entire tree line at the back of my property. So, Sample coming in the morning!
  22. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Then theres an issue because I can't even do 10fp on D1. I even lowered the rest of the ch. since I'm not using them, or recording on them. And I still can't on ch. 1 go higher than 7 fps on D1. I get "System resources too low, please ensure D1 is less on all ch."
  23. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Wow, lol Well I'm assuming I have an older version since I can only do 7fps max no matter what. Is the upgrade worth it or are there any downsides? I'm working on getting a vid on my computer to upload a sample.
  24. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    I have it on the corner of the house, I work a 24hr shift tomm and the city is suppose to be picking up the Brush pile I have at the street, so itll be nice to see how it records them. It's a 7ft tall pile about 100ft long. (cleared out a tree line in my back yard) Q: since it records 7fps D1 per ch. if Only one camera is connected can it record more than 7 or is it max 7fps on each ch no matter how many are connected. thanks!
  25. Firefighter

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Okay, Got it mounted on the side of the house and everything and it's looking good. Only Question: How do I wire up the OSD wires. Their in A and B on the back of the camera.... But on the back of the DVR.... I have (A) hooked up to the orange wire and (B) on the yellow... Where do they go here? It's for ch. 1