After lots of time :
Now i use Digivue Edv-Ex08 software fully compatible with this card (vers. 4.6.0), everything work better, there's also remote viewing.
Ip cam support il experimental and work only for ip cam manufacturer of card
The only problem i have is to connect with ip camera viewer (or net eye pro) under Android. it works but connection goes down after some time. I suppose that is a bandwith problem, infact in other dvr i can set bandwith upload to solve this kind of problem...
Someone know how we can set bandwith or someone has my problem ?
Hello all,
i've a 8ch card with cx25853 pci-e and with iSee software (4.5.0) DVR Inc. ????
Website must be but there's only one online client in activeX.
Well... this is the problem : this software doesn't support IPCAM or if it support it the last "tab" of settings where i can read word "ipcam" is IN CHINESE !!! For me is very important to integrate my ip cam with dvr system....
There's only activeX web support
There's NO support for Android or i don't know compatibility.... i use Net Eye Pro (ip cam viewer for android) but software scan for 832 coded dvr without success.... someone have some other software that i can try or simple the "name" of a manufacturer/model of this card ?
Dario Cdj