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Everything posted by rwx

  1. Sorry -- I should have said WiFi or router range extender. So I can go to an area that is covered by the existing WiFi signal, and have a place to plug in an ethernet cable without accessing the existing router.
  2. rwx

    DDNS while away

    My QC444 manual implies that it can be done direct from the recorder, however it does not seem to work. I assume that if I can access using the current IP outside my network, then the ports should be open for the DVR to perform the task. Other programs (No-IP.com and MyQ-See.com) seem to rely on a program running on a local network PC to get the IP updates.
  3. rwx

    DDNS while away

    Thanks -- that site did not support my modem, but I figured a door way. My IP does not change for days, so I can have the DVR send an alert once a day, and you can get the originating IP by looking at the email source. Not very slick, but it would work until I can get something automatic set up.
  4. rwx

    DDNS while away

    thanks. I looked at my router, and it does support dyndns.com. I think I'll try to find a router that supports one of the free services.
  5. I cannot find a way to make it stay at high quality. On mine I really cannot tell the difference in the two settings.
  6. Are the snapshots stored on the DVR hard drive? What I get by email is a lower resolution image.
  7. rwx

    QC444 Snapshot on disk?

    Until I figure out the code (if ever), I used a shortcut. I wrote a routine that looks for a time stamp on the .jpg, and when it has exceeded my preset time increment, I make a copy to a sub-directory with a unique name. Works good.
  8. When you say remote viewing screen, are you talking about a computer on your local network?
  9. rwx

    QC444 Snapshot on disk?

    Can you send me a link to the source code?
  10. rwx

    QC444 Snapshot on disk?

    That works good, but it over-writes the image each time it takes a new one. It will take an image every 3 seconds. Is there some documentation on the program?
  11. rwx

    QC444 Snapshot on disk?

    According to the manual -- "Snapshot Frequency - This will allow you to take 1-7 shots in sequence." Several snapshots would seem to be a good feature, since on most of my single snapshots I am out of the field of view, except for maybe my foot. I'm going to try moving the DVR closer to my modem, in case there is some sort of bandwidth problem. It is at the end of a 50' ethernet cable now. I am also going to play around with the frequency. It seemed like when I set it to 7 the image was delayed from the initial motion detect, but I really did not explore this.
  12. rwx

    QC444 Snapshot on disk?

    I tried that, D1, 1 quality, 3 images. Still only one image rec'd. I even tried two gmail accounts. I noticed one thing under network, on the email popup -- the manual says I can set a event interval from 0 to 3600 seconds (the time between emails). My interval is in minutes and defaults to 3 minutes minimum. When you receive multiple images, do the come in seperate emails or as multiple attachments to one email?
  13. rwx

    QC444 Snapshot on disk?

    After I got it to send D1 images by email, I noticed that the single image did not capture much, so I increased the number of snapshot images to 3, then to 7. I am still getting one image. I tried reducing the resolution to QCIF, but still only 1 image. In fact I had to reboot to get it to go to QCIF. Any thoughts on the image quantity, or how to make the changes without reboot? (I know I was saving the changes each time)
  14. rwx

    QC444 Snapshot on disk?

    I switched from timing to motion detect, and I did get a D1 image on email. Maybe it does not work on the timing mode. I'm going to take it off motion detect on the schedule menu and see if reverts back to CIF.
  15. rwx

    QC444 Snapshot on disk?

    My DVR does not have a snapshot feature while viewing the DVR OSD. You can search the video files, and clip and download a video segment, but there is no snapshot feature. The software that I use on my network PC (PSS) can do a snapshot. A live snapshot or a snapshot of a previous recording is in D1 (704x480). The email snapshot is CIF (352x240). My concern was if I had an intruder, I need to get a snapshot or video at the highest resolution. If the intruder gets to the DVR, then the email snapshot is all I have, and it is half quality.
  16. rwx

    QC444 Snapshot on disk?

    Thanks. I guess if I want a still, I would download the video file, convert it to AVI, and extract a frame from that. The manual indicates that I can take the snapshot in D1, with various quality settings, but what I get by email appears to be a much lower quality than the real-time image on the DVR monitor. I need to load it into Photoshop and see what it really is.....
  17. I went back to the QSee website, and re-entered my problem. This time I got someone who knew what he was doing. He gave me a 6 digit number that was only good today, and it worked on the DVR for the admin account. I went and changed the admin password, and it works like it should. Obviously the codes are generated based on the date, but no one told me to make sure the date was right.
  18. I just rec'd the QC444, and cannot log into the Admin account -- tried admin/admin, but I got "invalid password". I have been working with tech support a q-see.com, but they don't seem to know how to reset the admin account. Any suggestions??? The other question is, do I really need the admin rights, if I have the "local" admin rights (888888 account)? I cannot see from the manual that there is any difference.
  19. That makes sense, but the manual sure does not indicate this. I have noticed admin/admin works with PSS.
  20. Thanks guys, I have been working with the Q-See tech service -- the guy first gave me a 14 character password, which I tried but know would not work since the password space stopped loading characters at 6. He finally found an 6 character one, but it did not work either. I'm still working with them. Since they did ask for a serial number I assumed that any temporary password they sent would be generic, and someone would have experience with the problem.