Same thing here - could not get the NV5000 software to run on XP without the following errors:
Device error ID: 0205!! (8 times)
Cannot find capture device!!
Argus capture card initialization ERROR!!!
Argus capture card ID ERROR (0X00) !!!
I had other errors initially and have been corresponding with an Aver tech. I was able to resolve all initial errors except for those I listed above that appear when running the DVR software.
I can't begin to tell hour many hours I spent in install / uninstall / reinstall loops.
Ultimately, installing XP Pro resolved it... immediately. Never mind that took hours to backup/preserve everything on the HDD and to go through all the Microsoft and required Dell updates just to have a good base XP Pro install. Installed the DVR software like I had at least 20 time before, and it worked right away without any errors. No I can go back to re-installing all the other stuff (MS Office, etc.).
As noted in another post, the minimum requirements are inconsistent (I had to point out a couple of them to the tech who initially suggested out I was out of 'specs').
Had it not been for this forum, I don't think I would have gone the XP Pro route. But I did, it now works, and I thank you all for posting the solution where people like me could find it. I'll pass this info to the Tech.
Thanks again.