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Everything posted by ciskokid

  1. Hi Folks Can you assist? We have yet to procure the CCTV network infrastructure equipment. (Cisco is preferred choice) The corporate side will be Cisco. The CCTV network will be physically separate apart from a router between both systems. Would you consider using a different vendor for the CCTV network e.g. HP if you had the choice and what can you see as the major issues? The VMS/Storage will all be on the CCTV LAN. Appreciate your thoughts and comments. Jimmy
  2. ciskokid

    Cisco for Corporate LAN, HP for CCTV- Good Idea?

    Hi Folks Great replies. 700-800 cameras All POE 90% recording at 12FPS, CIF, 24X7X180 (180 days storage) 10% recording at 24FPS, 4CIF, 24X7X180 (180 days storage) The networks must be separate and we will connect a router and FW between both of them. Professional switches must be used e.g enterprise grade. My real question is would you do this if- There was no cost advantage between Cisco and HP as you would need , better trained staff on both systems, two Service agreements and two sets of spares? Also confusion when something was failing, perhaps, depends on staff Comments welcome.
  3. Hi Folks Scenario 750 Cameras recording at 12FPS/CIF for 24hrs per day for 180 days 15 Cameras recording at 24FPS/4CIF for 24hrs per day for 180 days Both H.264 Now I have been asked to investigate rather than standard NVR (RAIDS etc) could we use a tape system for the following reasons – ‘potential alternative storage solution involving tape storage rather than hard drive or solid state. The tape storage providing higher security for CCTV images from virus’s and cyber attacks.” Feel free to ridicule should you wish. Thanks Jimmy G
  4. Hello to Everyone Im anewbie to CCTV and storage. Im a networking guy and Im now in a position where Im responsible for reviewing some technical details on storage requirements. Appreciate any advice anyone can give. I hope someone can give me some advice on something that I am finding very confusing. Im in the position of representing an investor and our ELV sub contractor is offering me a significant amount of P3343 12MM network cameras. I'm based in the UAE and we require the following parameters for viewing and recording- CIF (480x360 on the Axis design tool) H.264 12FPS 24HR Viewing 24HR Recording Stairway Profile (Only specific to Axis) I am only concerned with working out the daily recording rate. They have told me to use the Axis design tool 1 even though its discontinued and when I input the parameters I get a daily recording rate of 3.2GB per day per camera that is if you use the data shown above, Design Tool 1 http://www.axis.com/products/video/design_tool/calculator.htm If however I use design Tool V2 which Axis recommend I get vastly different storage results- http://www.axis.com/products/video/design_tool/v2/http://www.axis.com/products/video/design_tool/v2/ With the same parameters although you are choosing CIF instead of 480x360 I get a figure of 5.23GB per day. So nearly 2GB per day between the two tools which is a lot when you are in the realms of 500+ cameras. I also have a requirement for x15 cameras (P3344 12mm) at the following Profile 4CIF (640x480 on the Axis design tool) H.264 24FPS 24HR Viewing 24HR Recording Station Profile (Only specific to Axis) So design Tool 1 shows a daily rate of 21.2GB per camera and the same parameters on Design Tool 2 shows 209GB per day which again is nearly x10 times difference between the two tools. I find it quite astonishing that the two Axis tools can be so different and I'm hoping someone can tell me what tool I should be using and what Ver2 is doing to come up with the extra requirements for storage. Many Thanks Jimmy
  5. Hi Stanislav I think I may have confused the post. If I simply compare this profile between both design tools:- CIF (480x360 on the Axis design tool) as I have no option for CIF H.264 12FPS 24HR Viewing 24HR Recording – 10% Compression (minimum) Stairway Profile (Only specific to Axis) I get 1.4GB per day on Design Tool 1. If I use design tool 2 and I have no option to select 480*360 and so I use this profile CIF H.264 12FPS 24HR Viewing 24HR Recording – 10% Compression (minimum) Stairway Profile (Only specific to Axis) I get 5.23GB per day on Design Tool 2. Is it me or is there a bug on the Version 2 design tool as its nearly 4 times more storage on version 2. Thanks Jimmy