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Everything posted by jtetterton

  1. jtetterton

    Help with a new setup - Marble Shop

    I wouldn't order those patch cables from easterncctv. I just returned 25 of them. They all had loose bnc connectors and a slight wiggle caused flickering in the image.
  2. Hello, Please allow me access into the private forums as an Installer. I can provide documentation upon request. Thanks, Jason
  3. Bump. I'm looking for the same as the OP.
  4. Anyone have any experience with any qvis cameras? Maybe some snapshots or sample video or reviews? Looking to buy a few for another install. Specs: • 1/3” Sony Color Super HAD CCD • Effio-E • High Resolution : 650 TV Lines • D-WDR • Anti-Ghost 2DNR • IR-Smart • 2.8-12mm VF lens • Controlled by OSD Menu • Internal/External • Auto White Balance • Color/Mono • Armored Housing • 3-Axis Gimble • Dual ring design (No IR reflection) • Screw base, simple install Thanks, Jason EDIT: Changed title to include camera part # and added specs
  5. I believe the VCM-24vf supports remote OSD via RS485 through your DVR or controller. You can use the extra pair and you won't have to open the cam every time you want to make changes
  6. I used 24v and my vcm-24vf's are working flawlessly. I've seen some chatter on this forum about running them at 12v but can't remember what they said about it. Might as well change your power can to 24 to be safe. While I was researching I found the 24v cans to be cheaper.
  7. jtetterton

    New to CCTV Have a system in thought

    Yep, that diagram is correct. That's how i've got my Costar CDC2500H wired, it works perfectly. I don't have the optional joystick though. The Costar should be preconfigured and all you have to do is connect it and set the DVR to match (instructions on the site). As soundy said, you can use the EV01P-VP-T if you split one pair off before you terminate it into the RJ45 at the balun. The EV01P-VP-T uses three pairs for power and one pair for video if terminated according to the instructions. Jason
  8. jtetterton

    Need Replacement DVR ASAP, current model DOA !

    If I'm not mistaken Dahua gives three year warranty on their DVR's.
  9. I'm installing an analog system for a customer and he currently has a 2 channel CCTV system in place that has a very specific purpose and will not be removed. It does not record currently. What I would like to do is simply splice into the video feed at each camera and use a T BNC connector or Y adapater with a balun and send the spliced signal off to the DVR. This should allow the current system to remain intact and operating and simply add a recording component off the new feed. Will this work? Thanks, Jason
  10. jtetterton

    Tap into video feed

    That's interesting. I could probably just tap power from the camera as well. Is that 12 volts?
  11. jtetterton

    Tap into video feed

    I thought about that but the DVR is a good distance away from the cameras and the DVR I've already quoted does not have loop through.
  12. jtetterton

    Tap into video feed

    I love it when a plan comes together! Thanks for the answer Soundy.
  13. jtetterton

    Legal Issues? Recording neighbor's activity

    Wow... I guess I didn't read enough into your original post If I were in your shoes, I might be pointing cameras over there.. infact... I'd have a auto tracking PTZ to capture their every movement... The more evidence for a conviction and a longer prison term... the better Sorry you're having to deal with all that.. as far as the legality.. can't help you answer that question, sorry. Remember, it's always better to ask forgiveness than to ask for permission. Jason
  14. jtetterton

    Legal Issues? Recording neighbor's activity

    You specifically aimed a camera at your neighbors property? That seems like invasion of privacy if you ask me. My cameras catch neighbor activity, but only on the sides and top of each FOV. I did my best to aim my cameras at my property (townhouse) and made every effort to limit the FOV extending onto neighbors properties. I asked myself.. "Self.. would you want your neighbors aiming cameras at your house?"... and I answered myself.. "Nope." Jason
  15. jtetterton

    what do you recommend?

    Keep in mind. I think CNB states that Amazon is NOT an authorized reseller, make sure wherever you buy, they give you the full warranty!
  16. Pick up and old WRT54G on ebay or craigslist for a couple bucks. Flash it with DD-WRT and setup a wireless bridge. Simple and effective.
  17. jtetterton

    what do you recommend?

    That is a new price.
  18. jtetterton

    resetting to default settings

    I found this while searching the forum, maybe it will help. I have no experience with that unit.
  19. jtetterton

    resetting to default settings

    You'll need to supply us with more information. Specifically, the make and model of the DVR unit. Every one is different.
  20. jtetterton

    Q-See QT 528 cannot port forward cannot remote view

    You said you are able to logon "locally". On whatever device you are using to view the cameras, are you using your WAN IP or your LAN IP? If you're using your LAN IP from inside the LAN, then that bypasses the router all together. If your inside the LAN and use your WAN IP to access the DVR successfully, then that means port forwarding is setup properly. If you throw a VPN connection into the mix, whoever administers that VPN network can allow or deny access on any port. It is also true that your ISP can block certain ports. They don't block just port 80, sometimes they block a large number of commonly used server ports in an attempt to prevent "residential" users from sucking up all the bandwidth and running servers from their houses. You also mentioned trying a static IP. Are you referring to a static LAN IP for the DVR or WAN IP from your ISP? When port forwarding, it's always safer to assign your device a static IP and forward the port to that IP. Some routers also allow you to assign a static IP from the DHCP server. The DHCP server can reserve an IP for use by a particular device based on that devices MAC address and whenever that devices connects and requests an IP from the DHCP server, it gets the same one. Your router may or may not support this. That's why I say it's safe to do it the old fashioned way and assign a manual address. If you would like me to see if I can see your DVR from my end, just PM me the details. Good luck. Jason
  21. jtetterton

    GV-1480 CRASHING

    I would also run a manufacturers diagnostic on each HDD.
  22. jtetterton

    GV-1480 CRASHING

    Are you getting a blue screen error or does the system just freeze?
  23. jtetterton

    GV-1480 CRASHING

    If you've already ruled out the items as you mentioned, then your DVR card may be the culprit. I've got a GV1480 with 13 channels and it's just over 5 years old and haven't had any problems yet, but things break over time. Maybe disconnect half the channels during peak time and see if it still crashes?
  24. i saw your link. but it was click pay (google add) if members clicked on it the owner got paid via google. not only that it directed you away from this forum. if you have a dahua. you will find it on the disk that came with your dvr. insert cd into pc and click pss link to download (your region) to your pc. It was a link to Bahamas security. Not some random no name site.
  25. jtetterton

    night vision doesnt work anymore??

    I assume you've power cycled the camera? Does it have an OSD where you can check settings?