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Everything posted by jtetterton

  1. I'm lost here, probably missing something tiny, but I just can't figure this out. I *think* I've set my cameras to record 24/7 and allow me to search for just motion events. Please see screen shots: For the "region" setting under each channel, i've highlighted the entire FOV with the light blue to make it "active". Whenever I search for motion recordings, it just tells me "No record". Any help is appreciated! Thanks, Jason
  2. jtetterton

    Qvis Apollo Pro 8CH Motion Record ?

    Yep, that was the plan, to record all angles in the front when any are triggered. 1 3 and 4 all share a partial field of view in the front.
  3. jtetterton

    Qvis Apollo Pro 8CH Motion Record ?

    So I hooked a TV up directly to the DVR and I think I've found the problem. I noticed that the motion indicator was constantly on for all channels. Apparently the sensitivity was too high and the motion was constantly being triggered. I bumped it down to 4 and the motion indicators went off. Maybe this will resolve it, i'll try searching again after capturing some more footage.
  4. jtetterton

    Qvis Apollo Pro 8CH Motion Record ?

    Hey Sean, Just searching channel one gives me the no record message. I'll have to take a monitor downstairs to try searching from the console. Will report back after work Jason
  5. jtetterton

    Is it the camera or DVR

    Yep. High-end IP stuff is cheap...http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/734349-REG/Axis_Communications_0362_004_AXIS_Q6034_E_PTZ_Dome.html That's also not your TYPICAL residential install...
  6. That was my next guess! (lol, I'm such a noob, didn't even think of it). " title="Applause" /> Jason
  7. jtetterton

    Residential Townhouse Install

    All of my cameras, recording in harmory... Only illumination is from one street light about 100 feet away, and motion activated lighting on the front and rear of house.
  8. jtetterton

    Test Pictures: Gadspot 600TVL vs 700TVL

    The detail in the clouds on the second pic is superb. Thanks for the samples!
  9. jtetterton

    Qvis cameras? Qvis EYE-E36-V2W-N

    I just ordered one to test out.. I guess I'll report back here with samples since no one seems to have any experience with them. http://www.qvissecurity.com/Catalogue/Cameras/Eyeball-Domes/Professional-Range/650TVL-Effio-e-28-11mm-36pc-IR-25-30M-EYE-E36-V2W-N Jason
  10. More information is needed to assist. What type of dvr do you have? How long are the runs? Are you using one pair, two pair, three pair for power? Have you measured the voltage at the camera end? Make sure the + and - on the video pair are the same on both ends.
  11. I think the price also has a lot to do with it. New technology is always expensive.
  12. jtetterton

    Residential Townhouse Install

    Last camera (for now) is up! Costar CDC2500H This camera has a nice sharp picture when the dome is off! There were a few scratches (that I probably could have lived with) so I decided to go at it with a rain-x plastic headlight repair kit and now the scratches are mostly gone, but the image is "hazy". Anyone have a Costar CDC2560 dome laying around that's in good shape? I'll pay top dollar! Thanks again guys for all the help! Extra big thanks to Sean from Nelly's for all the assistance and guidance. Jason
  13. Mine is in the basement and I operate it from my PC upstairs using PSS software. I hooked a monitor and mouse up to it for about ten minutes to set an IP, then stuck it downstairs and attached to the network. I have the qvis Apollo pro 8 ch
  14. jtetterton


    I didn't suggest a ddns service because the OP said he had s static IP for remote viewing.
  15. jtetterton


    If you are able to access the unit from within your LAN (from a mobile device, or from another computer) then that means it has to be an issue with your router or port forwarding. Check your router firewall settings and double check, triple check your port forward settings. Try disabling the firewall on the router completely to troubleshoot and rule that out. If your router supports DMZ, you could also put your routers IP in the DMZ to troubleshoot. In reference to the DHCP question, yes, it would be a good idea Some routers can reserve the IP based on the clients MAC ID or you can set a static IP at the DVR itself. My main router/dhcp server is .1, my wireless bridge is .2 and my DVR is .3 . In the DHCP router, I've specifed the DHCP addressing pool to be from .4 to .150 so the DHCP server won't try to give .2 or .3 to a new client.
  16. jtetterton

    Hello from Texas.

    Looks like a good ID shot if you ask me!
  17. jtetterton

    Mobotix and NAS

    Where is the Like button?
  18. jtetterton

    CCTV Design (Analog and IP) :-)

    That sounds like a HUGE project. I've never done anything to that scale but it sounds like you definitely need some type of NAS for the amount of video you are storing. Hard drives fail, often . You would be pulling DVRs out constantly to replace the internal hard drives. You need some sort of video management system that stores to a NAS device with hot swappable drives. Just my 2 cents.
  19. jtetterton

    Need Help To ID This Surveillance Console

    A lot of data centers used this type of console in their NOC. Definitely not specific for security monitoring.
  20. jtetterton

    My Home Setup - Qvis Zeus 8

  21. jtetterton

    Residential Townhouse Install

    Someone asked me a question via PM that I thought was relevant to be shared with all so putting it here as well as in the reply: The front door camera is right at 6 feet. Rear door camera about 9 feet. The cat5 is simply tucking into the adjacent vinyl siding and is routed to the basement at a central point.
  22. jtetterton

    Residential Townhouse Install

    Thanks Once I get my PTZ up on the other side of the yard, I'm going to adjust the driveway cam a hair to the right. As for the light, I think you're referring to the one under the garage cam. I've already purchased one to replace it that matched the motion light to the right of the front door. I've never liked how the bulb sat in the current one. Here's a couple night shots with motion lighting for illumination.. the front porch and back porch cam actually get enough light when the motion lights are activated that they switch back to color.. I wonder if I should just leave them in color mode all night??
  23. jtetterton

    Residential Townhouse Install

    And just a few pics of the cameras and locations: Driveway Cam CNB VCM-24VF Front Porch Cam CNB VCM-24VF: Backyard Cam CNB VCM-24VF (and a new motion activated flood light above it):
  24. jtetterton

    Residential Townhouse Install

    Backyard camera up:
  25. jtetterton

    Residential Townhouse Install

    Second cam up, front porch daytime shot of it and the driveway cam: