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  1. semerm12

    Advise Please

    What is ir?
  2. semerm12

    Advise Please

    We do not need a dvr..just cameras a receiver, transmitter and wire.
  3. semerm12

    Advise Please

    We have a barn that I have added a wireless surveillance camera set up (2 cameras). The barn is about 100 feet from the house. We get interference and the signal is weak to where we do not see a good picture. So, I am planning on adding a system that is connected by wires. I will need about 150 feet of wire to do this. I have a TV in the house that I will hook it up to. Is there a certain model and type (brand) that I should be looking for? We do want color and night vision as well and will probably want 4 cameras. I can install it myself. I have been searching ebay ( I do not mind a used unit to save some $) as long as it will work but there are so many, I am not sure what parameters to look for other than what I have described. Replies and help appreciated.