New here so if this is a dumb question, have at it.
I have several cams outside on telephone poles which are a @#$@ to get to and clean the pesky things off. Since I record mostly by motion detection areas, I am tired of remoting into my property and seeing motion captured on one camera only to watch the dam spider slowely build it nightly web in front of the ir emiters.
I was thinking about some sort of sticky trap?
Any secrets out there other than a flame thrower and a can of raid?
Wow, this is the site I have been looking for.
I have been dabbling in a CCTV system at my summer property for the last few years now learning as I go. Started out with a pc i built for a 4 channel dvr card and Two QSee all weather cameras. Now up to 14 cameras, an 8 channel dvr, another pc with 8 channel card, using CAT5/baluns, sensors for trigger recording, and awaiting for my new ptz's
Its been fun learning as I go but now its time to start laying out the system once and for all and start burying coduit.
Looking forward to getting some advice on the correct cameras to use for which application.
And, How to keep the dam spiders off my ir cameras! lol