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  1. Hi All, Need some help with my avtech 4ch mpeg 4dvr. Recently bought a new home and it was kitted out with the avtech machine with four cameras around the property. The owners took the monitor that the machine was connected to (tight gits) so i had to get a new monitor for my computer, and put the old one with the security machine. I plugged it all in correctly (i think) but i keep getting the message "no signal" on the monitor, and the monitor turns itself off. There is a converter of some sort that allows you to connect the avtech machine to the monitor. Once i unplug this, the monitor tells me that there is a "wire unplugged", once i plug it back in again, the monitor tells me again that "no signal" is being received and shuts itself down again. I'm not very electrically/cctv minded (im an accountant), and am not sure how to use the security system even when i do get it set up eventually, but it seems such a shame to have all the equipment there and not use it. I am hopeful someone out there will kindly help me with my problem. Kindest regards, Numbers123456789.