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Posts posted by spunnicci83

  1. I have Geovision IP Cameras and Geovision 8.5. THe cameras are mounted outside and i am recording on motion. the cameras seem to be recording to much. ive masked out roads ect., turned noise sensitivity to max, i had motion on 9.2 and it recorded everything i wanted but to much also i set down to 8 and i still have too much empty video but now its not recording actaul movement. how can i find a balance? can anyone let me know what settings have worked for them?

  2. I have Geovision 8.5 NVR running on an IBM x3650 Server and I have the latest control Center on a PC. I have all services running on the server I can connect to the server on control center using supervisor login, I can Remote DVR and viewlog but when i bring up a matrix (with only 11 cameras, 9 set at 640x480 10fps and 2 at 1.3 15 fps) it shows the camera titles and black screens, when I click on one it does bring up the camera and it runs x4 speed for a few seconds then catches up and plays fine then when i go back out i see pictures on the cameras but they are all still. I have 15 other DVRs with analog cameras that I connect to and run several matrices and they run fine most of them with 32 cameras.


    Any ideas? could there be compatibility issues with the IBM x3650?
