Hi guys i'm Fabio from Italy.
Is my first post in here since i'm not very confident with this world.
I am very expert with network and other stuff but i'm having problem with my dvr.
It's a chinese cheap dvr (an-tone) and i have this problem:
I can access to the dvr putting the static ip that i choosed, (after having some difficult with installing the ocx for activex) with unknow supplier)
Now, i can access to the web client, and i can comunicate with dvr (viewing video on hdd, rebooting dvr, change setting, etc)
Cameras are linked up fine, since i can view them on the monitor that i use for the dvr, but in the web browser i just see the blank box for each channel, and i get error unable to create preview.
I've tried anything but seems that this time i need an help!!!
PLEASE! Waiting for you guys!