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  1. qqmrichard

    CCTV camera recommendation

    Hi i can give you the whole system under your buddget. one 8CH DVR and 6 Effio-P outdoor camera. We are SONY VIP memeber. you could consider .
  2. yes there should be two reason. first is the problem of the cables . the male and female connector is not good . second it's the power box maybe not enough amp for the camera. You can try some power adaptor . DC12V /1A for dome and DC12V/1.5A for outdoor camras.
  3. qqmrichard

    my 420tvl vs 480tvl

    sharp is no good . CMOS is better than sharp and higer definition. Check our CMOS and SONY compare . http://tds2012.eicp.net:802/ User: tds Password: 123456
  4. qqmrichard

    $60 cam out performing $200 cam? Pic

    Well friend , the IR is 15pcs or 24pcs ? it's because the IR is too weak. I suggest you use some Array LED camera would be much better .