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Everything posted by Doyletr

  1. I bought this cctv card: http://www.ebay.com/itm/250996509288?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649#ht_697wt_907 and tried to install it on my computer, but the software wouldn't support win 7 so I had to use my old computer. It works fine on my old computer, however, that computer has a really old graphics card. Does this matter or does all the processing, recording, and everything else happen strictly through the cctv card? Basically I want to know if my graphics card has any effect on the video quality of the recordings. Thank you.
  2. Doyletr

    Does my graphics card matter?

    Yeah it wouldn't work with the newer version of the software. I tried it on a version compatible with windows 7 (i think it was 8.0 or something like that), but it wouldn't pick up the camera. It's a good thing I had a spare computer sitting around to install xp on for the 7.05 software.
  3. Doyletr

    Does my graphics card matter?

    Ok thanks Soundy. I have it just saving files to a network storage so I can play back on my other computer. If it has no bearing on the recordings it should work great set up like this!